Stand rent Musterklauseln

Stand rent. The prices per square meter listed on the re- verse shall apply. Every partial square meter shall be rounded up to the nearest full square meter. Supporting pillars and columns are in- cluded in the space calculation.
Stand rent. Row stand 1 side open EUR 145.- Corner stand 2 sides open EUR 164.- Peninsula stand 3 sides open EUR 172.- Island stand 4 sides open EUR 178.- *per m2 The stand rental does not include any structural components. Any columns inside the stand space will not lead to any reduction of the stand rental price. In the case of two-storey constructions, the upper floor area will be invoiced additionally at a rate of 75% of the row stand price per m2. Two-storey structures require a building permit (see Technical Regulations, Sections 4.2.1 and 4.8). In the event that fractions of a square meter exceed the value of 0.49 m2, the full rental rate per square meter will be charged. Round or oval locations will be charged to the extent of their rectangular complement. The fee for the full-service stand covers the stand floor space (row standor or corner stand) including the registration fee, AUMA charge, stand structure (Comfort or Superior Version) and selected services: electricity connection (3 kW), daily cleaning of the stand, 1 set of waste collection bags for waste disposal during the event, and the basic media entry. The costs amount per m2 stand floor space plus EUR 754.- per stand: Row stand, stand structure Comfort version EUR 248.- je m² Row stand, stand structure Superior version EUR 277.- je m² Corner stand, stand structure Comfort version EUR 267.- je m² Corner stand, stand structure Superior version EUR 298.- je m² Please see the reverse of the Space rental application form, page 2/4, for a detailed description of the two stand versions.

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