Confidential Information-Definition

Confidential Information means the provisions of the contract as well as any business-related information disclosed to the Customer regardless of its form (written, electronic, oral or otherwise), in particular business, marketing, technical, scientific, financial information, specifications, drafts, plans, drawings, software, prototypes or processing technologies of HDID.
Confidential Information means any information, maintained in confidence by the Disclosing Party, communicated in written or oral form, marked as proprietary, confidential or otherwise so identified, and/or any information that by its form, nature, content or mode of transmission would to a reasonable recipient be deemed confidential or proprietary, including, without limitation, iGrafx Cloud Services, Documentation, and any benchmark data and results produced, Your Data, the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the Disclosing Party’s business and marketing plans, technology and technical information, product plans and designs, and business processes. Confidential Information shall exclude: (i) information which the Receiving Party has been authorized in writing by the Disclosing Party to disclose without restriction; (ii) information which was rightfully in the Receiving Party’s possession or rightfully known to the Receiving Party prior to receipt of such information from the Disclosing Party; (iii) information which was rightfully disclosed to the Receiving Party by a third party having proper possession of such information, without restriction; (iv) information which is part of or enters the public domain without any breach of the obligations of confidentiality by the Receiving Party; and (v) information which is independently developed by the Receiving Party without use or reference to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information.
Confidential Information means any information relating to us or any of our affiliates which is made available to the Supplier or its Representatives (as defined below), directly or indirectly through us, our affiliates, our Representatives or Representatives of our affiliates, if

Examples of Confidential Information in a sentence

  • The Business Partner may not forward to third parties the Confidential Information or otherwise permit access thereto without the prior written consent of AQ.

More Definitions of Confidential Information

Confidential Information is all information and documents of the respective other party which are marked as confidential or are to be regarded as confidential due to the cir- cumstances, in particular information about operational processes, business relationships and know-how, as well as all work results for GALAB.
Confidential Information means all technical, commercial, operative and other information concerning the business activities of AQ irrespective of whether tangible, intangible, in electronic or other form. Confidential Information includes but is not limited to
Confidential Information means all information that the disclosing party protects against unrestricted disclosure to others that (a) the disclosing party or its representatives 1.7 „Vertrauliche Informationen“ bezeichnet sämtliche Informationen, die die offenlegende Partei vor einer uneingeschränkten Offenlegung gegenüber anderen schützt und designate as confidential, internal, or proprietary at the time of disclosure, or (b) should reasonably be understood to be confidential at the time of disclosure given the nature of the information and the circumstances surrounding its disclosure. die (i) von der offenlegenden Partei oder deren Vertretern zum Zeitpunkt der Offenlegung als vertraulich bezeichnet werden oder (ii) angesichts ihrer Art und der Umstände ihrer Offenlegung vernünftigerweise als vertraulich angesehen werden sollten.
Confidential Information means the terms of the Agree- ment including the Service Order and other information of any type and form related to the Agreement and the Services that the receiv- ing Party ("Recipient") knows or has reason to know is confiden- tial, proprietary or trade secret information of the other Party ("Dis- closer"), either a) because the information is marked as confidential or proprietary at the time of disclosure or promptly after disclosure or b) because of the nature of the information and the context in which it was disclosed. Without limitation, information concerning business models and strategies, network design and traffic, Service performance, customers, requirements, and pricing is in all cases deemed to be Confidential Information, subject to the following sentence. The term “Confidential Information” does not include in- formation that:
Confidential Information means any and all commercial, financial, technical, legal and/or other information that is not in the public domain. Confidential Information shall also include notes, analyses, compilations, studies, interpretations or other documents prepared by the Disclosing Parties. This is irrespective of whether such Confidential Information is disclosed in written, oral or any other form.
Confidential Information. “ within the meaning of these GTC shall mean all information, inclu- ding, but not limited to, inventions, innovations, specifications, processes, techniques, business processes and procedures, formulas, manu- facturing information, marketing strategies or information, research, development, products, finances, customers, assets, and/or plans and programs related to the business and/or opera- tions of QUANTUM and/or business collabora- tors, which is or was made available to Custo- mer and/or its representatives by or on behalf of QUANTUM either verbally; or in writing; or electronically; or in any other form in connec- tion with an Agreement, if such information (a) is clearly marked as confidential, is described as such or is otherwise recognizable as such; or (b) is to be regarded as confidential because of its content.
Confidential Information is any information communicated for contractual purposes and marked as confidential, and regardless of whether marked or not, all information that, due to its nature or the circumstances of disclosure, could or should be regarded as a trade or business secrets within the meaning of Sec. 2 of the German Trade Secrets Act (GeschGeh). This includes, by way of example and without limitations, all financial, technical, legal, and tax information as to R-Biopharm AG's business activities, secret know-how (i.e. identifiable knowledge or experience with commercial value, accessible to a very limited number only, and capable of objective customization), intellectual property, as well as generally all items or samples provided by R-Biopharm AG for contractual purposes.