Examples of AA Classes in a sentence
Shares of one Class or category may not be switched to Shares of another Class or category (whether within the same Sub-Fund or in another Sub-Fund), provided that Shares of the AA Classes and P Classes shall, for the purposes of switching, be deemed to be within the same category respectively.
Shareholders can only switch their holdings into Shares of the same Class or category (provided that Shares of the AA Classes and P Classes shall, for the purposes of switching, be deemed to be within the same category respectively), which is offered or sold in a given jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of the Prospectus, and switching is subject to all applicable minimum initial investment amount and minimum holding requirements as well as investor eligibility criteria being complied with.
Shareholders can only switch their holdings into Shares of the same Class or category (provided that Shares of the AA Classes shall, for the purposes of switching, be deemed to be within the same category), which is offered or sold in a given jurisdiction pursuant to the provisions of the Prospectus, and switching is subject to all applicable minimum initial investment amount and minimum holding requirements as well as investor eligibility criteria being complied with.
For the purposes of switching, each of the following shall be deemed to be within the same Category: (1) Shares of AA Classes and R Classes (collectively, “AA/R Classes”) and Shares of P Classes in any Sub-Fund; and (2) other Classes of Shares in any Sub-Fund as the Directors may from time to time decide.
Shareholders may switch some or all of their Shares in one Sub-Fund to Shares in another Sub- Fund only within the same Class or category, provided that Shares of AA Classes and R Classes (collectively, “AA/R Classes”) and Shares of P Classes in any Sub-Fund shall, for the purposes of switching, be deemed to be within the same category and may be switched to Shares of any of the AA/R Classes and P Classes, respectively, whether in the same Sub-Fund or another Sub- Fund.
Shares of one Class or category may not be switched to Shares of another Class or category (whether within the same Sub-Fund or in another Sub-Fund), provided that Shares of the AA Classes shall, for the purposes of switching, be deemed to be within the same category.
An initial charge of up to 5% of the subscription amount will be levied in respect of all applications for AA Classes (except for Class AA Acc, Class AA (SGD Hedged) Acc, Class AA (USD) MDIST (G), Class AA (HKD) MDIST (G), Class AA (AUD Hedged) MDIST (G), Class AA(RMB Hedged) MDIST (G) and Class AA (SGD Hedged) MDIST (G) Shares of the Asian Short Duration Bond Fund), R Classes, P Classes and S Classes (with the exception of the Class S Hedged) Shares.
Unless other prior arrangements have been made with the Company or the Distributor, investors acquiring the relevant Classes for the first time should (for AA Classes and R Classes) complete the Shareholder Account Opening Form distributed with this Prospectus or (for all other Classes) enter into an investment/placement/subscription agreement (as the case may be) and/or any other documents as may be agreed among the relevant parties or as may be required by the Company.
Charitable Trust Boards must act exclusively or principally for charitable purposes, which are: the advancement of education the advancement of religion the relief of poverty, sickness or disability any other purpose that benefits the community.
An initial charge of up to 5% of the subscription amount will be levied in respect of all applications for AA Classes, R Classes, I2 Classes, P Classes, S Classes (with the exception of the Class S Hedged) and Class T Shares.Investors will be charged a redemption charge of a maximum of 1% of the Redemption Price if they redeem their Class A Shares within the first two years of subscribing for the relevant Shares.