Examples of Abya Yala in a sentence
The Mexican case: Jaime Antonio Preciado Coronado, Universidad de GuadalajaraArticulación del discurso geopolítico en defensa de la vida y el territorio en las Cumbres continentales de Abya Yala: Pablo Alejandro UC Gonzalez, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología SocialLa descarbonización de la economía mundial y sus impactos en América Latina: Monica E.
Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean and, the Indigenous Forum Abya Yala, Pueblos Indígenas y vacunación contra COVID-19: cuarto informe regional, May 2021, at https://www.filac.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/informe-acceso-a-vacunasTP.pdf.
The project also encourages members of these councils to participate in exchanges between young people at the international level, e.g. the First Indig- enous Meeting of Abya Yala; IV Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities; and the UN Perma- nent Forum for Indigenous Peoples.
Consideramos que dicho Protocolo Internacional debe elaborarse mediante un diálogo directo, transparente, equitativo y de fiel cumplimiento, entre el Banco Mundial y los Pueblos Indígenas del Abya Yala, a través de las organizaciones presentes en este Diálogo y ampliable a otras más, mediante un proceso, que deben ser apoyado por el FCPF y construido conjuntamente con nuestras organizaciones.
Considerando que la implementación de los procesos REDD+ en Abya Yala ha significado la violación de los derechos fundamentales de los Pueblos Indígenas; reiteramos al Banco Mundial, al FCPF y a su Comité de Participantes, nuestras propuestas generales siguientes.
Margari- ta Gutiérrez Romero, a Nha-ñhu activist from Hidalgo, Mexico andco-founder of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of Abya Yala, spoke at UCLA on October 22nd.
For example, in Latin America, the Fund for the Development of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Abya Yala Indigenous Forum and the Regional Observatory on the rights of indigenous peoples created the Regional Indigenous Platform Against COVID-19 (“For Life and Peoples”).
Kidwell’s description, although based on the phi- losophies and practices at play in 1492 on the eve of the Eu- ropean invasion of Tawantinsuyu, Abya Yala, and Turtle Is- land (now known as North America), demonstrates the lon- gevity and the complexity of these expressions of Indige-nous knowledge, as well as how these expressions have sur- vived for many contemporary Native peoples.In information institutions, this is where much of our at- tention is given.
Dr. Sills is the author ofThe Missionary Call, Reaching and Teaching, and two books on the Highland Quichua indigenous people published in Spanish by Editoral Abya Yala, Qui- chuas de la Sierra: Descubriendo un modelo de Pastoral adiestramiento pastoral culturalmente apropiado and Capacitation en la Cultura Quichua.
The impact of COVID-19 on indigenous peoples in Latin America (Abya Yala): between invisibility and collective resistance.