Abya Yala definition
Examples of Abya Yala in a sentence
Kidwell’s description, although based on the phi- losophies and practices at play in 1492 on the eve of the Eu- ropean invasion of Tawantinsuyu, Abya Yala, and Turtle Is- land (now known as North America), demonstrates the lon- gevity and the complexity of these expressions of Indige-nous knowledge, as well as how these expressions have sur- vived for many contemporary Native peoples.In information institutions, this is where much of our at- tention is given.
Mendizábal, Análisis del discurso social y político, Abya Yala, Quito, 1999.dynamics.
The project also encourages members of these councils to participate in exchanges between young people at the international level, e.g. the First Indig- enous Meeting of Abya Yala; IV Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities; and the UN Perma- nent Forum for Indigenous Peoples.
Recently in Panama, the Barro Blanco Case, where my Ngäbe-Buglé brothers have been violated, injured by the police, there is plenty of evidence.Finally, as Peoples of the Abya Yala we demand that the Heads of State fulfill their obligation to respect our right to self-determination, preserve and strengthen our own political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions.
Considerando que la implementación de los procesos REDD+ en Abya Yala ha significado la violación de los derechos fundamentales de los Pueblos Indígenas; reiteramos al Banco Mundial, al FCPF y a su Comité de Participantes, nuestras propuestas generales siguientes.
One aim of this thesis is to document the necessity for additional factors; and to identify candidates for such factors.
There was also a constant critique posed to the UN because it organized 3 Abya Yala is the name that the Kuna people from Panama and Colombia utilized to denominate the continent and, since 1990, it was adopted by all indigenous peoples in their documents and declaration.
Lunch Break with Workshops for Youth Spanish Workshop – Roxana Avila Harper My name is Roxana Avila Harper, I am the co-director and founder of Teatro Abya Yala, a non-profit theatre company based in Costa Rica committed to developing new works as well presenting plays by others, touring, offering workshops and organizing paratheatrical activities in the Central American region, since 1991.
Abya Yala emerges as an epistemic territory of enunciation to claim the right over political, economic and social projects aimed at the original peoples that make up this territory.
The study “Indigenous peoples in America - Abya Yala and their inclusion in the 2030 Agenda” that ECLAC is developing jointly with FILAC, with the support of the Ford Foundation, complements the previous publication (https://www.cepal.org/es/publicaciones/43187-pueblos-indigenas-america-abya-yala- desafios-la-igualdad-la-diversidad) addressing the issues of territorial rights, forests, poverty and employment and territorial inequalities.