Access Licence definition

Access Licence means a licence to the public on broad open access terms that allows any member of the public to perform a wide range of acts in respect of the material subject to certain restrictions. An Open Access Licence includes any Australian Government open access licence and any Creative Commons Attribution licence (see xxxx://; Operational means that the completed Project is operating in a way that enables it to achieve its Purpose;
Access Licence means a licence granted by the Council to any User for access to biological resources or associated relevant knowledge;
Access Licence means the licence granted by the Customer to Planet Ark Power in Power Purchase Terms and Conditions for Planet Ark Power, including the Installer, to enter upon and cross the Customer Site to install, operate, maintain, repair and remove the Relevant System, and to interconnect the Relevant System with DNSP and to provide water, electric and other services to the Relevant System. AEMO means the Australian Energy Market Operator. Australian Consumer Law means the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), as amended from time to time. Applicable Law means any law, regulation or guideline issued by an Australian State or Territory Government or the Australian Federal Government, including but not limited to, the Electricity Act 1996 (SA), the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 (SA), the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (SA), the National Energy Retail Law (South Australia) Act 2011 (SA), the National Energy Retail Regulations, the National Energy Retail Rules, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000, Renewable Energy (Electricity) Regulations 2001 and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth). BOS stands for “balance of system” and means the solar panel array mounting frame, isolators and electrical wiring or cabling of the installed system.

Examples of Access Licence in a sentence

  • In addition, where it is necessary and appropriate, Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara will carry out site operation specific hazard identification and control exercise with those persons required to have an Access Licence.

  • The Dataset will be placed in the public domain or made available under an Open Access Licence.

  • Each bundle must be labelled as follows:• unique bundle ID number• UCID• format• your name or Access Licence Number• customer type – DSA for operator access and CDA for customer direct access Customers –• destination Office – Mail Centre name• selection name – name of the Selection as listed in the Access Selection Files• Access Selection Files SSC For bundles held together with strapping, the label may comprise a simple carrier on top of the bundle and held in place by the strapping.

  • However, the vendor will consider the granting of an Access Licence to the successful bidder (at the bidder’s own risk) for the purposes of carrying out enabling works in advance of the granting of the Building Licence.

  • Access Licence Dealing Principles Order 2004 and the access licence dealing rules established in this Part.

More Definitions of Access Licence

Access Licence means any licence granted under section 20;
Access Licence means the obligations set out in Part 2 of the Schedule permitting access to equipment which is relevant to the performance of the SCHOLAR Forum where such equipment is sited on a Member’s premises;
Access Licence an access licence dated [ ] made between (1) The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Hounslow and the Council of the London Borough of Ealing (2) Berkshire Assets (West London) Limited;
Access Licence means an access licence referred to in section 56.
Access Licence means the licence purchased by the Client which entitles the Client access to the Software as provided by the Supplier for the Access Term, which is renewable subject to the continued payment of the Access Fee when due, and compliance with these terms and any Orders. The Order will specify the Licence Type. Access Fee means the fee payable by the Client to the Supplier for each Access Term and includes fee payable for the subscriptions, hosting services and access to any Required Third Party Software as outlined in an Order. Access Term means the period between the commencement of the Access Licence and the period upon which the Access Licence expires. Development/Test Licence permits the Client to use the Software only for development, test and disaster recovery purposes only. The Client must not use the Software for carrying on the Client’s business.
Access Licence means a licence issued under section 38;
Access Licence means a licence giving New Commons access to the Site, in the form attached at Schedule B.