Admin User definition
Examples of Admin User in a sentence
If you do not see this button, you either do not have an Admin User role in ImmuNet or have an existing Inactive/Pending VFC Profile.Please contact the ImmuNet Help Desk to have this corrected.
Getting a Single Admin User To retrieve the details of an admin user you will need to call the /api/admin/data/{admin} endpoint with theGET method.
Updating an Admin User To fully update an admin user you will need to call the /api/admin/data/<admin> endpoint with the PUTmethod.
Creating an Admin User To create a new admin user you will need to call the /api/admin/data endpoint with the POST method.
Concurrent Admin User A specific individual identified by a valid e-mail address who is logged on at any given point in time to a single Repository who (a) may use any of the capabilities of the Cloud or Software version of Talend Data Catalog or (b) may only use the following capabilities of the TAC: user management, user group management, licensing, server management, Job and ESB conductors, log server, and AMC for administration purposes.