Administrative day definition

Administrative day means a day of care rendered to a patient who no longer requires the level of care the hospital is licensed to provide.
Administrative day means a day of a hospital stay in which an acute inpatient level of care is no longer necessary, and noninpatient hospital placement is appropriate.
Administrative day means one or more days of a hospital stay in which an acute inpatient or observation level of care is not medically necessary, and a lower level of care is appropriate. (WAC 182-550-1050.)

Examples of Administrative day in a sentence

  • Administrative day services are psychiatric inpatient hospital services provided to a beneficiary who has been admitted to the hospital for acute psychiatric inpatient hospital services, and the beneficiary’s stay at the hospital must be continued beyond the beneficiary’s need for acute psychiatric inpatient hospital services due to a temporary lack of residential placement options and non-acute residential treatment facilities that meet the needs of the beneficiary.

  • Except for the year end Administrative day, all non-instructional days identified under the School Calendar Regulation shall be used primarily for the improvement of the learning situation.

  • Failure to report, due to serious weather conditions or other real impediment, shall result in the subject employee utilizing his/her choice of either available Administrative day accrual or Vacation accrual to account for the absence.

  • The normal working hours for Administrative day shift personnel shall be from 0800 to 1700, Monday through Friday, not to exceed forty (40) hours per workweek, and to include a one (1) hour lunch period.

  • Administrative day - A day of a hospital stay in which an acute inpatient level of care is no longer necessary, and non-inpatient hospital placement is appropriate.[WAC 182-550-1050] Administrative day rate - The statewide Medicaid average daily nursing facility rate as determined by the agency.

More Definitions of Administrative day

Administrative day means those days spent by a Medi-Cal Beneficiary in an acute inpatient facility when, due to the lack of a Medi-Cal psychiatric eligible nursing facility, the Medi-Cal Beneficiary's stay at the acute inpatient facility must be continued beyond the Medi-Cal Beneficiary's need for acute care. All "Administrative Days" must be approved by County.
Administrative day means a day)) or "administra- tive days" - One or more days of a hospital stay in which an acute inpatient or observation level of care is ((no longer)) not medically necessary, and ((noninpatient hospital place- ment)) a lower level of care is appropriate.
Administrative day means an inpatient stay day during which a
Administrative day means those days authorized by ADMINISTRATOR’s designated Utilization Case Management Unit when the client no longer meets criteria for acute psychiatric County of Orange, Health Care Agency File Folder: X000XX000 Page 26 of 30 Contract MA-042-20011214 hospital services and remains in the facility due to unavailability of access to non-acute residential treatment facilities.”
Administrative day means those days authorized by ADMINISTRATOR’s designated Utilization Management Unit when the Client no longer meets medical necessity criteria for acute psychiatric hospital services but has not yet been accepted for placement at a non-acute licensed residential treatment facility in a reasonable geographic area.
Administrative day means one or more days of a hospital stay in which an acute inpatient or observation level of care is not medically necessary, and a lower level of care is appropriate (WAC 182-550-1050).
Administrative day means a day of medical services