Affordable Housing Delivery Plan definition

Affordable Housing Delivery Plan means a plan for the delivery of Affordable Housing Units (excluding any Deferred Affordable Housing Units) within the whole or part of any relevant Phase of the Development that include s Affordable Housing Units to be approved by the Borough Council and shall include the details submitted pursuant to condition 2l(i)(b) of the Planning Permission detailing the type, tenme, size and location of the Affordable Housing Units and demonstrating that the mix of Affordable Housing Units proposed within the plan for the whole or part of that Phase accords with the Affordable Housing Mix as set out in Schedule 2 to this Deed and further demonstrating how the mix shall be secured across the remaining Phases within the frrst 456 (four hundred and fifty six) Residential Units;
Affordable Housing Delivery Plan means an Affordable Housing Delivery Plan to be prepared by the Owner and submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority in accordance with Clause 3 of this Agreement, including the Plans and Specifications.
Affordable Housing Delivery Plan a scheme for the delivery of Affordable Housing within Block B to comprise: the quantum of Affordable Housing Units being 40% of the Dwellings to be provided in Block B (which for the avoidance of doubt does not contain any Dwellings to be provided as Build to Rent); the tenure mix for the Affordable Housing being the Default Tenure Mix subject to any variation to the mix as may be proposed by the Owner and agreed in writing by the District Council; the size, type (including the number of bedrooms), tenure, distribution, layout and specification of the Affordable Housing Units; the process to be followed by the Owner in seeking any variation to the Affordable Housing Delivery Plan following its original Approval; and in relation to any Discounted Market Sale Dwellings: the eligibility criteria for Eligible Persons which criteria shall have regard to average local incomes and local house prices; and a form of Deed of Covenant to be entered into between the purchaser and seller on the first (and subsequent) sale(s) of a Discounted Market Sale Dwelling and the form of title restriction to be registered on the title of each Discounted Market Sale Dwelling to prevent the Disposal of the Discounted Market Sale Dwelling without a conveyancer’s certificate confirming the terms of the Deed of Covenant have been complied with; and such other requirements and details as the District Council may acting reasonably request;

Examples of Affordable Housing Delivery Plan in a sentence

  • REVISED AFFORDABLE HOUSING DELIVERY PLANWhere there is a surplus, the developers/owners will be required to submit a Revised Affordable Housing Delivery Plan within a month of receipt of the Viability Report.

  • DELIVERY OF AFFORDABLE UNITSThe developers/owners will deliver the affordable housing in accordance with the Revised Affordable Housing Delivery Plan.

  • The Affordable Housing Delivery Plan aims to increase the availability of affordable housing that “meets the needs of those who cannot afford to secure decent housing on the open market either to rent or buy” by focusing attention on six key priority areas:▪ Planning▪ Land▪ Funding▪ Tenure▪ Sustainability▪ Cross-authority and Partnership working In providing “decent homes” they also contribute to reducing health inequalities.

  • Cabinet in October 2017 approved the Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2018- 2022, including the allocation of funding of up to £144.6m for the HRA New Build Programme, and delegated the approval of individual schemes for inclusion within the capital programme to the Affordable Housing Committee.

  • The Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2016-21, agreed by Council in March 2016, commits to increasing the number of affordable homes by 1,000, over five years.

  • I also note from the North Devon Council Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2012-2017 that there were 2,516 applicants on the Council’s housing register in 2013, including 763 in Barnstaple.

  • The Affordable Housing Delivery Plan outlines how the housing ‘ladder’ is not working properly across many areas of Leeds and describes the extent of the problems facing those unable to buy or rent on the open market.

  • The Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2010-2015 requires that homes are built to lifetime homes standards where this is practically achievable, in accordance with government policy, and identifies a need for wheelchair standard units to be provided across the district.

  • The section 106 agreement sets out that 604, (54%) of the affordable units should be two bedrooms across the whole development and this is broadly reflected within the Site Wide Affordable Housing Delivery Plan where 50% of the units are 2 bedrooms.

  • The forum, could be the group that oversees the production of the Council’s Affordable Housing Delivery Plan.

More Definitions of Affordable Housing Delivery Plan

Affordable Housing Delivery Plan means the plan setting forth Developer’s Affordable Housing obligations for the Project pursuant to Chapter 36, Article XIV, Division 2 of the City Code, the Precise Plan, and Section B of the North Bayshore Precise Plan Affordable Housing Administrative Guidelines, which plan is included as Exhibit F.

Related to Affordable Housing Delivery Plan

  • Affordable housing development means a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a 100 percent affordable development.

  • Affordable Housing Unit means a rental unit in an affordable housing building that rents for an amount that is affordable to households at or below 60 percent of area median income, as median income was most recently determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Minneapolis- St. Paul- Bloomington, Minnesota-Wisconsin Metropolitan Statistical Area, as adjusted for household size and number of bedrooms.

  • Affordable housing project means, for purposes of this part, title fourteen of article twenty seven of the environmental conservation law and section twenty-one of the tax law only, a project that is developed for residential use or mixed residential use that must include affordable residential rental units and/or affordable home ownership units.

  • Affordable housing means housing that is available at a cost low enough to meet the needs of eligible households having regard to local incomes and local house prices and which will remain at an affordable price for future eligible households or, if not, that the subsidy is recycled for alternative affordable housing provision

  • Affordable Housing Units – means the Affordable Housing to be provided as part of the Development in accordance with the application and/or any subsequent reserved matters approval.

  • Affordable housing program(s means any mechanism in a municipal Fair Share Plan prepared or implemented to address a municipality’s fair share obligation.

  • Affordable Housing Cost means an amount satisfied by:

  • Supportive housing means housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to an onsite or offsite service that assists the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.

  • service delivery and budget implementation plan means a detailed plan approved by the executive mayor of a municipality in terms of section 53(l)(c)(ii) of the MFMA for implementing the municipality's delivery of municipal services and its annual budget, and which must indicate

  • Improvement completion assurance means a surety bond, letter of credit,

  • Affordable development means a housing development all or a portion of which consists of restricted units.

  • Commercial project means any project, including, but not

  • Urban renewal project means undertakings and activities of a municipality in an urban renewal area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve slum clearance and redevelopment in an urban renewal area, or rehabilitation or conservation in an urban renewal area, or any combination or part of them in accordance with an urban renewal plan. These undertakings and activities may include:

  • Home and community-based services or "HCBS" means Home and Community-Based Services as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 004.

  • Multifamily housing means housing accommodations designed as a residence for more than 1 family.

  • Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study means a study conducted by the Transmission Provider (in coordination with the affected Transmission Owner(s)) in accordance with Tariff, Part IV, section 36.2.

  • Affordable Unit means a housing unit proposed or created pursuant to the Act and approved for crediting by the Court and/or funded through an affordable housing trust fund.

  • Affordable means, a sales price or rent level that is within the means of a low- or moderate- income household as defined within N.J.A.C. 5:93-7.4, and, in the case of an ownership unit, that the sales price for the unit conforms to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.6, as may be amended and supplemented, and, in the case of a rental unit, that the rent for the unit conforms to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.12, as may be amended and supplemented.

  • Community rehabilitation program means a program that provides directly or facilitates the provision of one or more of the following vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities to enable those individuals to maximize their opportunities for employment, including career advancement:

  • Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study.

  • Community mental health program means all mental health

  • Independent foster home means a private family home in which any child, other than a child by

  • Residential Project means a redevelopment project that is

  • Property Management Agreement means any Property Management Agreement between the Company and the Property Manager.

  • Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.

  • Non-profit housing development means development of a building or structure intended for use as residential premises by,