Examples of Affordable Housing Mix in a sentence
The viability against this benchmark is shown below: Option 1 - 60/40% mix between Affordable Housing and Market Housing.Capital Costs Net Construction Costs£309,089Quantity Surveyor£5,832Internal Development Fee (2%)£8,641Total£323,562 Funding Grant £70,892Borrowing £252,670 Total £323,562 Payback period 16 yearsBreak-even Year 1 Option 2 – 100% Affordable Housing Mix of houses and flats are as the complete Indicative Scheme shown in Section 4.
The Council will ensure that both the latest affordable housing planning layout, referred to above, and the final Affordable Housing Mix table (see Table 1) are captured within the final iteration of the Section 106 agreement relating to this scheme.
The Clay Farm S106, sets out that the affordable housing mix for any reserved matters on the Clay Farm site to have regard to the Indicative Affordable Housing Mix included within the S106, and in particular the target that a minimum of 60% of all affordable units be houses.
Proposed Mix and Tenure Unit Sizehr = habitable rooms Proposed Affordable Housing Mix Unit Size ASSESSMENT AGAINST KEY POLICIESHousing MixNo family housing is proposed for this development as per the extant planning permission.
Proposed Mix and Tenure (by Unit Nos.)Unit Sizehr = habitable roomsProposed Affordable Housing Mix (by Unit Nos.)Unit Size ASSESSMENT AGAINST KEY POLICIESHousing MixThere is a 40% target for family housing in the Local Plan, however policy recognises that not all sites are suitable for family housing.