Examples of Shared Ownership Housing in a sentence
Shared Ownership: Housing schemes provided on the basis of shared equity (i.e. the occupiers part-buy, part-rent the property), allowing the occupiers to buy what they can afford, with the flexibility to increase the degree of ownership if they so wish.
That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT a second Deed of Variation to the S106 Agreement so that the developer is obligated to provide all seven units in the form of Shared Ownership Housing and/or as Shared Equity Housing.
A Deed of Variation was then sought to the s106 Agreement to amend the tenure to provide seven affordable units, of which three were to be used for Affordable Rented Housing and four were to be used for Shared Ownership Housing.
Team mentors from Mexico also came to meet with AdamBots team mentors and took information back to their team on several occasions.
It is now also proposed that all seven units are provided as Shared Ownership Housing and/or Shared Equity Housing in order to facilitate Landspeed to deliver the affordable housing on-site.