Examples of Agency bonds in a sentence
Exceptions to the pre-clearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Open-ended mutual funds and CIVs meeting the criteria described below, Exempt ETFs listed in Exhibit Two, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit(s) Three and Five.
Exceptions to the preclearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Open-ended mutual funds including Reportable Funds, Exempt ETFs listed in Exhibit Two, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit(s) Three and Five.
Exceptions to the pre-clearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Open-ended mutual funds, and CIVs meeting the criteria described below, Exempt ETFs listed in Exhibit Two, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit(s) Three and Five.
Exceptions to the pre-clearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Open-ended mutual funds including Reportable Funds, Exempt ETFs listed in Exhibit Two, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit(s) Three and Five.
Exceptions to the preclearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Open-ended mutual funds including Reportable Funds, Exempt ETFs listed on Exhibit Two, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit(s) Three and Five.
Dis- trict of Columbia Development Land Agency bonds, 42 USC 1452.2. District of Columbia general obligation bonds issued after January 28, 1987, D.C. Code 47−33.3. Municipal bonds.4. Public housing agency bonds issued after January 28, 1987, and by agencies located outside Wisconsin.
The Agency is authorized to finance the Projects with financial assistance from the City, State of Idaho, federal government, interest income, Agency bonds, donations, loans from private financial institutions, the lease or sale of Agency-owned property, or any other available source, public or private, including assistance from any taxing district or any public entity.
Exceptions to the preclearance requirement include, but are not limited to: Reportable Funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), closed-end mutual funds, shares of unit investment trusts, and US Government Agency bonds (i.e. GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC), as set forth in Exhibit Four.
For example, we, and other bond investors, are searching for acceptable alternatives to Treasuries, such as Agency bonds.
The safety premium then rises, as with the Agency bonds, decreasing Agency MBS yields.