Examples of Allotment Rent in a sentence
Members agreed with this approach.e. Under 1080 – Allotment Rent Income: Members were advised that a number of tenancies had been terminated in the current year as a result of poor upkeep.
RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid: Clerk’s salary (August 2019) £429.04Clerk’s expenses (August 2019) £7.99Village Hall hire (August 2019) £5.00Function28 (Website Hosting)(SO) £12.00West Somerset Flood Group (Annual Subscription) £5.00MHPF (UK) Ltd (Allotment Rent ½ year) £113.70 The Clerk confirmed that the Allotment Association had deposited the funds with the Parish Council to pay the half-yearly rent.
Allotment Rent Review – It was agreed that the rental charge for the allotments would remain unchanged, and there would be no increase this year.
On the level of performing R&D activities recent governments have launched several programs for encouraging university-industry collaborations.
Correspondence, to note and review:• Allotment Rent Increase received from PCC, £25, applicable May 2024.• Community Warden Consultation would be closing on 3rd October and all residents were asked to complete.
A few suggestions were proposed by Mr Chance et al.:1) Square Metre Based Allotment Rent FeeMr Chance advised that SMBC and BCC’s allotment sizes are consistent and that these two authorities charge allotment rent fees based on square metre.Mr Chance added that they carried out a survey and established that the Elmdon Lane allotment plots are larger than the Amenity Land allotment plots.
Mr Chance said that the tenants investigated the current allotment rent rates charged by Solihull MBC (SMBC) and Birmingham City Council (BCC) and they concluded that the Parish Council’ 2021 Allotment Rent rates are in fact in line with the other two authorities’ rates.Nevertheless, they asked the Parish Councillors to debate how the Parish Council could offer more facilities and support to its allotment tenants as they felt that SMBC and BCC offer more.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Mr Roper declared an interest in agenda items 11/024 Feedback from Co-opted Non-voting Member, 11/025 Allotment Letting/Availability Report and 11/026 Forthcoming Allotment Rent Review.
Monies Received – April 2018:• Precept £12,076.51• ONGA – Allotment Rent £420.00 (Payslip 100102)• Coop Cemetery Fees – Trevor Cobbold £50.00 (Payslip 100102)• VAT re-claim £1,658.67 – 13.04.18• MSDC CIL Payment £2,464.65 – 16.04.18.Proposed and seconded to pay the accounts.
The Head of Environmental Services presented the report to Councillors regarding the Allotment Rent and Management Fee for 22/23.