Examples of Annual Filing in a sentence
Such date and each anniversary thereof is the Annual Filing Date.
The Annual Filing shall include pre-filed testimony supporting the underlying schedules and work papers.
ARM FilingOn the Annual Filing Date each year the Company shall file with the Commission schedules and supporting work papers that calculate the revenue requirement and rate adjustment necessary to allow the Company to earn its Authorized Return on Equity as well as the Annual Reconciliation Revenue Requirement for the Historic Test Period, determined in accordance with the Approved Methodologies and this ARM Tariff.
An unenrolled return preparer may represent, provided the preparer (1) prepared and signed the return or claim for refund (or prepared if there is no signature space on the form); (2) was eligible to sign the return or claim for refund; (3) has a valid PTIN; and (4) possesses the required Annual Filing Season Program Record of Completion(s).
The Annual Filing and Review provisions in Sections B.1 – B.3 of this Schedule FRP shall be followed without interruption unless any such annual Evaluation Report would be filed less than 120 days after the date revised rates become effective pursuant to the general rate proceeding.