Examples of API Request in a sentence
Zendesk API Request Scenario and Workflow Blocks The Zendesk API Request block is added to the Scenario Builder application and the Workflow Builder application.
The maximum number of API Requests that Customer is permitted to run per calendar day using the Respond Software (“Total API Request Limits”) is as set forth in the table hereunder and is based on: (i) the API type; (ii) the applicable License Level; and (iii) the API Type, as set forth in the Order Form.
There is also an additional POST API Request that contains the results of that manual review once completed.
The details for requesting this manual review can be found in the sections that outline how to call the function for processing images and the POST API Request Details.
The Data Partner must cache the result of an API Request for 24 hours until it is made again.
Figure 19 : API Request Handler The gateway passes the search query string to the API service handler.
For example, Skyhook may process and aggregate some of the personal data elements that are contained in a Location and/or API Request (such as a MAC Address or IP Address) in order to make that personal data part of Skyhook’s access point or IP Address databases for the future provision or update of services provided to other Skyhook customers.
However, access logs may contain meta data of API Requests such as time of the API Request and size of the transmitted Content.
API Request Calls return a status code JOB_STATUS, indicating if the call was successful.
Within the Python code in the “API_Call” file, an API Request to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) service described in chapter 3.2 is executed, in which all available survey stations on the planet are requested, with attached information on the AQI value at the time of the request.