Examples of Archival record in a sentence
IFAD suspended the Yemen portfolio at the end of May 2015 as the worsening of the security situation made it clear that IFAD's projects could not be implemented effectively.
These meetings were also ‘bugged’ by ASIO.158 The Archival record hints Smith’s subsequent revamping of the NSPA in early 1966 was steered into a specific anti-marxist direction.159 De Carleton, his recasting job done, faded into obscurity.
Archival record – Jane had a meeting with Paul and plans to continue this over the summer.
Archival record searches and background studies of the Project area were conducted as part of a Phase I cultural resource study.
The Archival record was completed, which did not result in the Station Master’s House being listed on the Heritage Council’s State Register, however, it has been listed on its database of places of heritage value.