Archiving definition

Archiving means the structure of a set of personal data which is accessible according to specific criteria, whether that database is concentrated or decentralized or distributed on a functional or geographic basis.
Archiving means the structuring of a set of personal data which is accessible according to specific criteria, whether this set is aggregated or decentralized or distributed on a functional or geographic basis.
Archiving means the removal of Data from active systems (including, but not limited to, IT systems) and placing the Data into secure storage (whether hard copy or electronic) where the Data is still capable of being accessed by arrangement.

Examples of Archiving in a sentence

  • Applications should include as an appendix a brief plan – labeled “Data Archiving Plan” – to comply with data archiving requirements.

  • Archiving takes place according to defined workflows from ingest to dissemination.

  • The purpose of the Data Archiving Plan is to demonstrate recognition by applicants that data sets resulting from the proposed research are required to be submitted as grant products for archiving according to special grant conditions.

  • The plan should be submitted as an appendix labeled, “Data Archiving Plan.” The number of pages used for the plan will not count against the narrative page limit.

  • Archiving of data shall be per the EBT Standards or other applicable Precept.

More Definitions of Archiving

Archiving means any aspect of the creation and preservation of and access to records and other information in a particular archive, whether held by an entity subject to an obligation of transfer or by a public archive. Article 3 Role of the National Archives of Iceland The role of the National Archives of Iceland is to implement public policy on archiving and records management. In addition, it serves a role as a public archive.
Archiving. Photographer to maintain records of photo shoots and digital images for a period of five (5) years, regardless of award renewal with the State of Rhode Island. Photographer to supply the Rhode Island state agencies or URI External Relations and Communications with required images from those files when requested.
Archiving means the process of migrating or transferring inactive information for longer-term storage, preservation and access.
Archiving is the service that involves processing and managing currently used documents in the medium- to long-term, allowing for their classification (indexing) for research and consultation purposes.
Archiving means the process of saving e-mail infrequently accessed on City e-mail servers.
Archiving means the procedure by which Electronic Communications are stored unchanged for record keeping purposes.
Archiving means stopping the display of the Advertisement on the Website (the Information itself, for example, in the advertisement, remains available to the User who posted it for change and editing).