Common Clauses Sample Clauses
Common Clauses. 1.3.1 The following Clauses in the Framework Terms are hereby taken to form part of this IPT with the necessary changes applied such as (where the context allows) the substitution of ‘Purchaser’ for ‘Scotland Excel’, the substitution of ‘Individual Placement Terms’ for ‘Framework Terms’ and so on:
i) Clause 6 (Best Value)
ii) Clause 7 (Law of Scotland)
iii) Clause 8 (Legislative Change)
iv) Clause 9 (Assistance in Legal Proceedings) v) Clause 10 (Waiver) vi) Clause 11 (Severability)
Common Clauses. The following clauses are common to all Customers in respect of all Goods and Services provided including the provision of Fuel Cards and hire of Equipment.
Common Clauses. In force for an extended period In case of termination of the open-ended employment contract and providing for a longer period, the duration of the reciprocal advance notice will be the following, according to the different conditions of departure:
1. Employee who has resigned and whose trial period has expired: One month for employees, technicians and supervisors; Three months for engineers and executives.
2. Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer, except in case of serious misconduct.
a) The employee has less than two years of continuous service with the same employer: - one month for employees, technicians and supervisors; - three months for engineers and executives.
b) The employee has two years or more continuous service with the same employer; - two months for employees, technicians and supervisors; - three months for engineers and executives. The advance notice may or may not be given in whole or in part. Three different situations may arise. They will receive the following solution:
1) The resigned employee asks to shorten his/her notice: The application must be submitted in writing at the same time as the notification of the resignation. Except in the case of imperative service, the employer may grant early departure. In that case, the employee will receive a remuneration corresponding to the period actually worked.
2) The dismissed employee is required to give his/her notice: If he/she is obligated to take up a new job, he/she may leave his/her employer before the expiry of the notice period by giving written notice five working days in advance. In that case, the employee will receive a remuneration corresponding to the period actually worked.
3) The dismissed employee is exempted by his/her employer from giving notice: He/she continues to be on the staff of the establishment and to be paid until the expiry of the conventional notice period. At his/her request, his/her employer is required to issue a certificate stating his/her situation and entitling him/her to occupy, at the same time, another position with another employer of his/her choice subject to the application of the non-compete clause during the remaining notice period. Any measures providing notice must be notified in writing.
Common Clauses. In force for an extended period In case of illness or accident, the interested party must inform his/her employer within a maximum of 48 hours, except in cases of force majeure. In case of illness or accident duly certified by medical certificate sent to the employer within 48 hours and a counter visit if necessary, the monthly wages will be paid in full on the following bases: YEARS OF CONTINUOUS PRESENCE in the company PAYMENT OF WAGES 1 year 1 month 3 years 1 ½ months 5 years 2 months 10 years 2 ¼ months 15 years 2 ½ months 20 years 2 ¾ months 25 years 3 months 30 years 3 ¼ months 32 years 3 ½ months 35 years and more 4 months If several sick leaves are granted to an employee during the same calendar year, the duration of the payment may not exceed the total of the periods established above. When a sick leave is overlapping for two calendar years, the rights to compensation for the totality of this leave are assessed on the first day of the leave. For example, an employee with six years of service on leave from March 1 to 15, year N, and from December 1, year N to February 1, year N + 1. He/she is compensated from 1 March to 15 March and from 1 December to 15 January. Benefits shall be reduced by the value of the daily benefits to which the persons concerned are entitled under social security, occupational accidents or any other pension scheme involving the financial participation of the company. During the same period, employees will be required to declare these benefits. For assessment of rights, periods of leave resulting from a workplace accident are not cumulative with periods of sick leave.
Common Clauses. In force for an extended period A preliminary technical examination may be requested. It will be paid at the minimum rate of the corresponding professional category when its duration exceeds half a day. The execution of said examination does not constitute a trial commitment. The duration of the trial period is set at: - two months for employees; - three months for supervisors; - four months for managers. Any hiring is confirmed in writing. Except for fixed-term contracts, for which reference should be made to the legal provisions. In the two weeks preceding the end of the trial period, and after an interview justifying the need, it may be extended once half of the initial period in case of motivated interest and with the agreement of the employee. When the employer terminates the initial or renewed trial period, the employee shall be notified within a period that may not be less than: - 24 hours within eight days of presence; - 48 hours between eight days and one month of presence; - two weeks after one month of presence; - one month after three month of presence. The trial period, including renewal, may not be extended due to the length of the notice period. When the trial period is terminated by the employee, the employee shall observe a notice period of 48 hours. This period is reduced to 24 hours if the employee's length of presence in the company is less than eight days. - to seek a job during the aforementioned notice periods, the employee may be absent for two hours per working day, subject to informing the head of the establishment. These absences must not give rise to a reduction of the remuneration when the employer took the initiative in the termination of the contract. In the event of termination of the contract at the initiative of the employer during the trial period, staff who have found a new job before the end of the trial period will be given every opportunity to take up that new job quickly. In that case, the person concerned will not have to pay the employer any compensation to be paid for non- observance of the notice. For its part, the employer will have no obligation to pay the salary corresponding to the notice period not executed. The medical examination requested by the employer in accordance with the law, at the time of recruitment, will be conducted either by the occupational doctor attached to the company, or by the doctor appointed by it and at its expense. It will have to intervene within the deadlines established by law.
Common Clauses. Article 1 ( Total Credit Line) The so-called total credit line (amount) shall be the total maximum limit for all credit facility and derivative commodity transactions between your Bank and the Contracting Party within the agreed credit facility use purpose, and the individual credit line (amount) for each transaction shall be determined by your Bank according to the Contracting Party’s needs and credit status. It can be used one time, several times or revolving times. The total amount of an individual credit line (amount) may exceed the total credit line (amount), but when the Contracting Party actually uses it, if the credit line (amount) intended to be used and the total of the principal balance of the credit facility and the balance of the derivative commodity transaction exceed the total credit line (amount), although it does not exceed the individual credit line (amount) intended to be used, it shall still be subject to the limit of the aforementioned total credit line (amount) and shall not be used beyond the limit, provided that the Contracting Party can use the total credit line (amount) and the individual credit line (amount) according to the Contract. If the use of the credit line (amount) involves a foreign currency, the calculation of its individual and total credit lines (amounts) shall be converted based on the exchange rate set by your Bank at the time of use. If due to changes in the exchange rate, the Contracting Party’s loan allocation amount under this Contract or the advance amount from your Bank exceeds the total credit line (amount) or the individual credit line (amount), the excess portion shall still be jointly repaid by the Contracting Party and the Guarantor.
Article 2 ( Scope of Debts)
Article 3 ( Maximum Guarantee)
Common Clauses. In force for an extended period Military reserve periods which are obligatory and not caused by the person concerned, days of absence due to sickness ascertained by medical certificate or childbirth, occurring during the year, may not result in a reduction in the number of days of annual leave provided for in this agreement. When sick leave begins during an employee's paid leave, these days of paid leave will be counted as paid leave and compensated as such by the company.
Common Clauses. In force for an extended period Maternity leave is granted in accordance with the statutory provisions. Deducting the benefits paid by social security and by all the provident funds in which the company participates, the interested parties having at least one year of continuous work in the company will receive the complement at 100% of their base daily earnings capped during the duration of maternity leave compensated by social security. Women with one year of service in the company benefiting from the adoption leave provided for by the statutory provisions will be compensated by the employer under the conditions provided below. Postnatal leave and schedule adjustments will be granted in accordance with the legislation in force. Employees may be granted, upon presentation of a medical certificate and subject to the usual checks, six working days of paid leave per calendar year, to treat a sick and dependent child, as defined in Article French Labour Code. Finally, a half hour reduction (which may not be carried over), per working day without loss of salary, shall be granted to the future mother after three months of pregnancy.
Common Clauses. In force, not extended Employees exercising statutory functions in trade union organisations will obtain, upon presentation of a written document from them and after at least six working days' notice, the necessary leave of absence without pay to attend statutory meetings. These authorisations may not be attributed to paid leave. Subject to the presentation of a notice sent by the representative trade union organisations, paid leave authorisations will be granted to attend joint committees decided by mutual agreement between the signatories of this agreement. The trade union delegate is free to move within or outside the company, whether during delegation hours or outside working hours, for the exercise of activities relating to his/her duties. He/she will be required to inform his/her employer in advance of his/her absences. In the event that a company with at least 50 employees is made up of establishments with fewer than 50 employees, a company trade union delegate will be appointed who may be chosen from any of the establishments. Where the company has a works council or establishment committee and a trade union representative is appointed to that committee, if that person is distinct from the trade union delegate and does not otherwise exercise within the company an elective office or agent position, that union representative will benefit from a credit of one hour per month, not transferable, for the preparation of meetings of the company committee. Leave will be granted under the conditions provided for by law to employees wishing to participate in courses or sessions exclusively devoted to economic, social and trade union training. In accordance with Article L. 2232-8 of the French Labour Code, any employee who has been duly appointed by his/her representative trade union organisation and who participates in a joint committee and any other commission set up by this agreement, shall benefit from the right to be absent from work. The time spent will be considered as actual working time and may not result in a reduction in remuneration. As of 1 January 2017, the joint association for import-export management (APGIE), will assure, according to the following terms, the reimbursement of the expenses related to the participation of the representatives of the employers' organisations and trade unions representative of the import-export collective bargaining agreement no. 3100 at joint industry meetings and APGIE bodies. Requests for reimbursement must be su...
Common Clauses. 17.1. This contract can, in principle, only be modified by written agreement between the two parties, with the exception of such changes that DNS-LU is entitled to make by virtue of the specific terms and conditions of this contract.
17.2. The registrar is strictly forbidden to assign their rights and obligations hereunder without having received the prior, written consent of DNS-LU. In this latter case, the initial registrar remains jointly and severally liable for obligations derived from this contract up until the next, initially planned, expiration date.
17.3. The potential nullification of any of the clauses found in this contract shall not affect the validity of other provisions. The French version of this contract is the original version and shall be referred to in the event of differences between the original and a version translated into another language.
17.4. This contract is governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
17.5. Xxx xxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxxxxx and in Luxembourg shall be the legal venue for any dispute arising from this contract.