Import Restrictions. Import Restriction means the implementation by the Government of the Country of the Approved Debtor/ Debtor, after the despatch of goods from India under a valid Export Contract, of any law or regulation having the force of law that prohibits the import of goods despatched, into the country of destination of the goods and/or prevents payment of the Insured Receivables;
Import Restrictions. (1) No restrictions shall be placed on the import, distribution and exhibition of I talian film , television and video productions in the Republic of South Africa or that of South African film , television and video productions in the I talian Republic other than those contained in the dom estic law in force in each of the two countries, including, in the case of the I talian Republic, the obligations deriving from the norm s of the European Union.
(2) I n addition, the parties reiterate their determ ination to favour, by all possible m eans, the distribution in their respective countries of productions of the other Party.
Import Restrictions. (a) Duties and charges As prescribed in Article 3.2 of the Agreement, customs duties of all originating goods listed in HS Chapters 1-97 will be eliminated on the entry into force of the Agreement. According to the provisions in Article 3.3 of the Agreement, Romania will apply an import charge of 0.5 per cent and the Republic of Moldova will apply an import charge of 0.25 per cent. The purpose of these import charges is to develop and to improve the Customs Authorities' infrastructures.
(b) Quantitative restrictions Article 6 of the Agreement prohibits the imposition of quantitative restrictions or any other measure having equivalent effect on the importation of any goods from the other Party.
Import Restrictions. (a) Duties and charges In the intra-trade of products covered by the Agreement, customs duties have been abolished. For certain fish and fishery products, as well as for the agricultural products covered by the Agreement, the preferential duty rate at 0 per cent is subject to tariff quotas, tariff ceilings, or to a statistical surveillance. Preferential Faroe exports of fish and fisheries products to the EU is subject to those exports entering the EU with a free-at-frontier price which is at or above reference prices fixed by the EU authorities on an annual basis.
(b) Quantitative restrictions According to Article 13 (2), quantitative restrictions on imports have been abolished.
(c) Common external tariff Not applicable.
Import Restrictions. 37.1 Notwithstanding any obligation under the Contract to complete all import formalities, any import restrictions attributable to the Procuring Entity, to Kenya, or to the use of the products/Lease Items, systems or services to be supplied, which arise from trade regulations from a country supplying those products/Lease Items, systems or services, and which substantially impede the Lessor from meeting its obligations under the Contract, shall release the Lessor from the obligation to provide deliveries or services, always provided, however, that the Lessor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Procuring Entity that it has completed all formalities in a timely manner, including applying for permits, authorizations and licenses necessary for the import of the products/Lease Items, systems or services under the terms of the Contract. Termination of the Contract on this basis shall be for the Procuring Entity's convenience pursuant to Sub-Clause 35.3.
Import Restrictions. All customs duties and charges having equivalent effect on imports of industrial products, except for those classified as sensitive, were abolished on 1 April 1998. As for the sensitive products, customs duties and charges having equivalent effect will be gradually eliminated by year 2001. The Parties will not introduce new quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect on imports. Quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect on imports from Turkey into Hungary, other than those listed in Annex IV of the Agreement, are abolished on the date of entry into force of the Agreement. For the products listed in Annex IV, quantitative restrictions and charges having equivalent effect shall be progressively abolished until 31 December 2000 at the latest. On the other hand Turkey has no quantitative restrictions or charges having equivalent effect concerning Hungarian imports. Turkey and Hungary initially granted each other preferential market access for a number of agricultural, processed agricultural and certain fishery products under tariff quotas.
Import Restrictions. Licensee shall not engage in the direct shipment ------------------- to distributors, wholesalers, retailers, etc. of Licensed Products manufactured outside of the United States of America. Licensee must take receipt of such products at the applicable U.S. port of entry.
Import Restrictions. Licensee will not intentionally import Wireless Devices or Wireless Accessories into the Territory that bear Licensor or any subsidiary of Sprint Nextel Corporation owned marks other than the Marks. Licensee and Licensor will cooperate by mutually agreeing on reasonable preventative measures to curtail the illegal import or use of Wireless Devices in the Territory which bear other marks owned by Licensor or its subsidiaries which are not licensed to Licensee under this Agreement and by assisting in any reasonable investigation requests to discover such activity.
Import Restrictions. No Yes, if so, please explain why Are there any restrictions on importation of certain goods or food products for the Territory that you are considering? No Yes, if so, please provide details below
Import Restrictions. No restrictions shall be placed on the import, distribution and exhibition of Italian film and video productions in the Argentine Republic or that of Argentinian film and video productions in the Italian Republic other than those contained in the domestic law in force in each of the two countries, including, in the case of the Italian Republic, the obligations deriving from the norms of the European Union.