Automatic Generation Control definition

Automatic Generation Control means the equipment and capability of an electric generation facility to automatically adjust the generation quantity.
Automatic Generation Control means the equipment and capability of the Storage Facility’s control system to receive Set Point(s) that automatically adjust the amount of Charging Energy, Discharging Energy and Ancillary Services Attributes with respect to the Storage Facility on a real-time basis and such other operating parameters for which Set Points may be transmitted.
Automatic Generation Control or “AGC” has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

Examples of Automatic Generation Control in a sentence

  • Automatic Generation Control (“AGC”) will be implemented via each Transmission Owner’s control center.

  • Such a test shall be conducted at five load points (maximum load, minimum load, and three evenly spaced load points), under steady state conditions (i.e., off Automatic Generation Control), and for a minimum of one hour at each load point.

  • Specific Transitional Provisions – Automatic Generation Control Dispatch 1.52.

  • The CAISO will divide the sum of the resource’s Automatic Generation Control set points less the sum of the resource’s total deviations by the sum of the resource’s Automatic Generation Control set points.

  • De historische ontwikkelingen en soorten SCADA/EMS systemen, de EMS functies Automatic Generation Control, Netwerk Applicaties, Dispatcher Training Simulator, Man-Machine Interface en de ontwikkelingen in de markt van SCADA/EMS systemen worden beschreven.

More Definitions of Automatic Generation Control

Automatic Generation Control. (AGC) means capability to regulate the power output of selectable units in response to total power plant output, tie-line power flow, and power system frequency;
Automatic Generation Control or “AGC” means equipment that automatically adjusts a Control Area’s generation to maintain its frequency or interchange schedule plus or minus frequency bias.
Automatic Generation Control means equipment that adjusts generation in a balancing authority area from a central location to maintain frequency or interchange schedule plus or minus frequency bias; and may also accommodate automatic inadvertent payback andtime error correction. [ Alberta Reliability Standards (2014-10-01) ]
Automatic Generation Control or “AGC” means a mechanism through which the generation of the SRAS Provider in a control area is automatically adjusted in response to the Secondary Control Signal;
Automatic Generation Control or “AGC” means energy management system equipment that automatically adjusts the generation quantity of individual generators within the applicable Balancing Authority with the purpose of interchange balancing. For a generator to be considered capable of AGC by Company, the generator must be capable of accepting AGC Set-Point electronically and regulating the Facility’s energy production based on the AGC Set-Point via the Facility’s SCADA System in accordance with the AGC Protocol. The data points covered under this PPA may overlap data requirements for the Transmission Provider, Interconnection Provider or Company’s wind forecasting group.
Automatic Generation Control means the equipment and capability of the Facility to receive AGC Set-Points that automatically adjust the amount of Output, Ancillary Services and such other operating parameters for which AGC Set-Points may be transmitted.
Automatic Generation Control or “AGC” means the remote signal control of a Storage Unit’s output.