BIP definition
Examples of BIP in a sentence
If the student already has a BIP, the IEP team shall review and modify the BIP if a new serious behavior has been exhibited or existing behavioral interventions have proven to be ineffective.
This could mean that instead of developing a BIP, the IEP team may conclude it is sufficient to address the student’s behavioral problems through the development of behavioral goals and behavioral interventions to support those goals.
Individual member support needs, including Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) when applicableYes7.
BIP) means a plan that is based on the results of a functional behavioral assessment and that, at a minimum, includes a description of the problem behavior, global and specific hypotheses as to why the problem behavior occurs, and intervention strategies that include positive behavioral supports and services to address the behavior.
Pursuant to Education Code section 56521.1, emergency interventions shall not be used as a substitute for a BIP, and shall not be employed longer than necessary to contain the behavior.