Examples of Board Membership in a sentence
Meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held at the call of the chairperson and at such other times as the Advisory Board may specify in its rules of procedure or upon the request of at least a majority of the Advisory Board Membership.
Meeting dates and times shall be posted as far in advance as possible on the door of the meeting site and by advertisement in local newspapers or by other means of public dissemination of the meeting dates as may be agreed upon by at least a majority of the Advisory Board Membership.
The procedure is intended to enable the shareholders to make a more informed decision regarding Board Membership.
Principle 4: Board Membership There should be a formal and transparent process for the appointment and re-appointment of directors to the Board.
See OWD Issuance 10-2018 Local Workforce Development Board Membership Requirements and Recertification Procedures under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.