Capital Works definition
Examples of Capital Works in a sentence
The Capital Works Reserve Fund was set up to finance public works programmes, acquisitions of land, capital subventions and major systems and equipment items.
The full Capital Works Programme is listed in detail in Note 5 of Attachment 1.
The cost of Specified Capital Works will be to the Utility's Account, unless otherwise specified in Schedule F.
However, if the works director is personally satisfied that consultant input through a feasibility study is required for a proposed project before he is in a position to recommend that funding be earmarked and that the project is technically ready for upgrading to Category B in the Capital Works Programme, he can submit the relevant extract of the feasibility study in lieu of a TFS for approval.
Consideration should, however, be given to the availability of resources required to undertake the project prior to the inclusion of the project in the latest six-year Capital Works Reserve Fund Resource Allocation System (CWRF RAS) exercise, i.e. upgrading to Category B.