Examples of Cash for Work in a sentence
The Royal Government of Cambodia has approved the Cash for Work Program for Rural Development and Livelihood Enhancement Project.
Relevant NGO staff, responsible for implementing Cash for Work activities, will also be trained.
The terms ‘cash-based response’ and ‘cash transfers’ cover a wide range of activities across various sectors, including using unconditional cash grants, conditional cash grants, Cash for Work and voucher fairs to meet basic needs, provide shelter, rebuild livelihoods and promote reintegration.
Along with water and sanitation activities, distributions of basic goods for agriculture and fishing, and a Cash for Work component, the programme also reiniti- ated IGA that the population had been carrying out before the catastrophe.A total of 1923 families received 1790 kits for the recapitalization of their ac- tivities in order to restart their income generating activities.
DSWD Philippines (2008), ‘Administrative Order 15 Cash for Work Guidelines’.11.
Additionally, a number of IOM's Protection cases are confidentially referred for participation in Cash for Work activities related to small-scale site works under result 4.
LACE has a history of implementing a series of employment projects financed by the World Bank, including the Community Empowerment Projects I and II, the Youth Employment Support Project (YES), and Cash for Work Temporary Employment Project (CfWTEP).
Additionally, Cash for Work activities in camp and out of camp settings will further empower beneficiaries by increasing overall financial resilience and coping mechanisms.
Peer to peer evaluation of Cash for Work Programme carried out in Lamno, Aceh, Indonesia.
Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset using the following terms and methods: Land Not DepreciatedBuildings and Improvements 39 YearsFurniture and Fixtures 5 – 7 YearsComputer Equipment and Software 5 YearsStore Equipment and Tools 5 – 7 YearsLeasehold Improvements Remaining Life of Lease Manufacturing Equipment 5 – 7 YearsVehicles 5 YearsAssets Under Construction Not Depreciated 2.