RESULT AND DISCUSSION. According to X. Xxxxxxxx en X. Xxxxxx, that the formation of an agreement because of the meeting of the will or consensus of the parties. Agreement in essence can be made free of unbound form and achieved not formally but sufficiently through consensus (Feenstara and Xxxxxx, 1998). X. Xxxxxxx pointed out that the principle of consensus is very important in contract law, particularly on the aspect of contract formation. This is an absolute requirement and provide to ensure legal certainty, although for consensus begins with the offer and acceptance and fulfilment of certain requirements and procedures (Subekti, 1986). Understanding the agreement is the existence of supply and acceptance. Related to that, Xxxxxxx stated that
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. Marriage with a Matrimonial Agreement Legal Considerations of the Judge of Appeal Decision Number 509/Pdt/2021/PT. Jakarta
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. 1. The advantages of implementing an outsourcing work contract model for the company.
1. Muzni Tambusai, outsourcing (outsourcing) is: "purchasing one part or several parts of the company's activities that were previously managed by themselves to another company which is then referred to as the recipient of the work".
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. In this section, the result from data collection via survey form will be described. To analyze the data, the authors used Statistical Package for The Social Science (SPSS) version 23. There are two types of statistical analysis used in the presentation of the study results such as static descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive analysis is a statistic used to describe variable characteristics [29]. Descriptive analysis such as frequency, mean and percentage is used to describe independent variables and dependent variables as well as respondent profiles. The Xxxxxxx correlation analysis method is used to see the relationship between the human factor (user willingness, skill/knowledge, information sharing, IT staff adequacy) and SLA usage. Table 7 shows the frequency distribution of subjects by type of respondent, gender, age, position and education among employees of IT department in Hospital Serdang. Since in this research the researcher focusses on the party involved with SLA, the type of respondent should be service provider and service recipient. For service recipient, it can be nurse or medical practitioner but for this research, it will be staff of IT department. The reason is the researcher want to know the level of knowledge’s staff in IT department regarding SLA are at which level. Service Provider (SR) 15 62.5 Service Recipient (SR) 9 37.5 20-25 4 16.7 26-30 8 33.3 36-40 3 12.5 41 or above 2 8.3 Male 11 45.8 Female 13 54.2 Project or Team leader 1 4.2 Operation manager 1 4.2 System Support Engineer 5 20.8 Customer Support Engineer 4 16.7 Application Support Engineer 5 20.8 Network support Engineer 2 8.3 Technical Support Engineer 4 16.7 Database Administrator 1 4.2 Other 1 4.2 Degree 6 25.0 Diploma 15 62.5 SPM 2 8.3 Other 1 4.2 From the Table 7, total of respondent is 24 which show the 15 people (62.5%) from service provider and 9 people (37.5%) from service recipient. This show the number of staff in service recipient less than number of staff in service provider. In terms of age, most worker are less than 30 years old (33.3%), followed by 29.2% aged between 31-35, 12.5% aged 40 years and 16.7% aged between 20 and 25 years old. Respondents ages 41 or above only had 2 people (8.3%). The aged between 26 – 35 show the high number compare to other. This show many people in working area are from young people. In terms of gender, it shows that there are significant differences in the number of respondents by gender. Data analysis shows that ...
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. This section shows the results of the proposed enhanced ECC algorithm for key generation for providing identity-based security in WSN. On the Sensor Network, we employed the ECC technique with minimal modifications. The success of the ECC method is determined by the complexity of processing discrete logarithms that raises the method's efficacy. The results of the proposed work have been depicted using four parameters, namely computation analysis, key generation time, energy consumption, and packet delivery ratio. [14] and SLEACH [15]. The energy consumption is more as the data transception requires more energy and there is no proper key management scheme. The energy consumption graph is shown in figure 5. The PDR of the proposed work is better when compared with SLEACH and SPIN protocol. The PDR ratio is increasing with the increase in the number of nodes. With the inclusion of two key generation proposals, the PDR is better for the proposed work and worst performance by the conventional SPIN protocol. The PDR has been described in figure 6. Figure 5: Energy Consumption Figure 6: Packet Delivery Ratio Figure 7: Computation Analysis Figure 8: Key Generation Time
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. − sd − ∼ sd sd ∼ ∼ ∼ , (5.1) ∼
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The law of engagement is regulated in Book III of the Civil Code which is broadly divided into two parts, namely first, engagements in general, both those born of agreements and those born of law and second, engagements born of certain agreements. (Xxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxx Xxxx: 2012) Covenant Law adheres to an open system, meaning that contract law provides the widest possible freedom to the public to enter into agreements containing anything, as long as it does not violate public order and decency. (Subekti: 1990) An agreement is an event where one person promises to another person or where two people promise each other to carry out something (Xxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxx Xxxx: 2012). The meaning of the sale and purchase binding agreement can be seen by separating the words from the sale and purchase binding agreement into a sale and purchase agreement and binding. The understanding agreement can be seen in the previous sub-chapter, while the definition of a Sale and Purchase Binding according to X. Xxxxxxx in his book is an agreement between the seller and the buyer before the sale and purchase is carried out because there are elements that must be met for the sale and purchase, among others, the certificate is not yet available. because it is still in the process, and the price has not yet been paid. (X. Xxxxxxx: 1998) Meanwhile, according to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, a binding sale and purchase agreement is an assistance agreement that functions as a free preliminary agreement. (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx: 2004) From the understanding described above, it can be concluded that the meaning of a binding sale and purchase agreement is a preliminary agreement made before the implementation of the main agreement or the main agreement. As an agreement born out of necessity and not explicitly regulated in the form of legislation, the sale and purchase binding agreement does not have a specific form. This is also the opinion of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, the sale and purchase binding agreement is an assistance agreement that functions as a free preliminary agreement. (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx: 2004) PPJB is a form of agreement that is subject to the provisions of Law No. 1 of 2011 concerning Housing and Settlements and the Decree of the Minister of Public Housing No. 9 of 1995 concerning Guidelines for Binding Sales and Purchases as lex specialis, and if associated with the provisions Article 1320 paragraph (1) of the Civil Code (lex generalis) then PPJB fulfills the elements as an agreement, which can lead ...
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. 1. The Urgency of Collateral in the Online Loan Credit Agreement.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. The presence of standard clause in banking agreement if related with Article 18 of
RESULT AND DISCUSSION. 3.1. The Process of Implementing a Credit Agreement That Will Be Charged With Mortgage In Tegal City