chargeable hours definition

chargeable hours means between the hours and on the days specified in an item in the fifth column of the Table to Article 40 appropriate to the parking place described in the Schedule mentioned in the corresponding item in the second column of that Table;
chargeable hours means any period specified in column 5 of the Schedule.
chargeable hours means the times specified in column (2) of an item in the Schedule to this Order and in relation to the respective off-street parking place specified in column (1) of that item;

Examples of chargeable hours in a sentence

  • The Technical Account Manager will agree with the Customer a Statement of Work for the delivery of technical account management services related to the number of Chargeable Hours contracted as described in Schedule A which will be subject to quarterly review with the Customer.

  • Unless additional Chargeable Hours have been purchased by the Customer, this Schedule A shall be considered terminated upon completion of the total number of Chargeable Hours of Support specified above and full payment of all invoices relating to such Support.

  • On each Business Day where Customer utilises less than four (4) Chargeable Hours of a Technical Specialist’s time, and in the event that SAS is unable to reasonably use the Technical Specialist at the Customer’s site for separate Support services on such a Business Day (making a total of four (4) or more Chargeable Hours) then SAS will be at liberty to charge for four (4) hours of Technical Specialist’s time for that Business Day.

  • Customer acknowledges that it must utilise at least four (4) Chargeable Hours of a Technical Specialist ’s time on any day that Technical Specialist is providing Support to Customer.

  • In the event that the Customer requires Support during the weekends or on public holidays, then subject to the Customer providing SAS with more that fourteen (14) Business Days prior written notice of such requirement, SAS will use its reasonable efforts to meet such requirement and each Chargeable Hour of Support delivered shall count as one and a half (1.5) Chargeable Hours for the purposes of the table set out in the Schedule A.

  • This time shall not be set off from the total Chargeable Hours entitlement set out in the applicable Schedule A.

  • Project Impact Budget Resources Payment Milestones Schedule Risk Attachments: Approval Chargeable Hours Rate Amount 0 0 Non-Chargeable Hours Total Hours Client Signature Date Client Name Univerus Signature Date Univerus Name Monetary change orders will be executed with the return of the signed change order and an initial payment of 50% of the total change amount as outlined above.

  • The Customer may use the Chargeable Hours marked with “*” in the table above in any combination up to the total combined number of Chargeable Hours specified above.

More Definitions of chargeable hours

chargeable hours as the means of producing revenue, seen as the substitution of hours for excellence or quality (Karreman & Alvesson 2004; Brown & Lewis 2011; Alvehus & Spicer 2012). Whereas this work is insightful in the context of financialisation, it does not necessarily translate to the partner role, and risks giving a one-dimensional understanding of professionalism and its reinterpretation in the PSF. In order to properly understand the effects of financialisation it is necessary to understand how it affects those at the highest level of the firm, and its owners and principal workers, the partners.
chargeable hours means the period between the hours of 8.00am to 6.00pm on Mondays to Saturdays inclusive of Good Friday or a Bank Holiday being a public holiday.
chargeable hours means hours normally chargeable to clients of a public accounting practice, provided that work of a routine clerical nature shall not be included in the computation of chargeable hours;
chargeable hours means the periods specified in respect of each pay and display parking place on the Plans;
chargeable hours means between the hours and on the days specified in the Sixth Schedule to this Order;
chargeable hours means the hours of Support specified in Schedule A as part of the Bundle which SAS will provide to Customer during Normal Business Hours

Related to chargeable hours

  • Core Hours means the period beginning at 8am and ending at 6.30pm on any day from Monday to Friday except Good Friday, Christmas Day or bank holidays;

  • Service Charges means the fees levied by the municipality in terms of its tariff policy for any municipal services rendered in respect of an immovable property and includes any penalties, interest or surcharges levied or imposed in terms of this policy.

  • Base Hours means the hours of work for which a staff member receives compensation. Base hours shall include overtime hours for which a staff member is paid additional or overtime compensation, and hours for which a staff member receives workers’ compensation benefits. Base hours shall also include hours a staff member would have worked except for having been in military service. Base hours do not include hours for when a staff member receives other types of compensation, such as administrative, personal leave, vacation, or sick leave.

  • Operating Hours means the hours listed in an early learning program parent handbook when the program is open and providing care and services to children.

  • Normal Working Hours means between the hours of 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and County holidays are excluded.

  • Service Hours means the amount of time (measured in hours or fractions thereof) a Unit is Delivering Energy or Ancillary Services pursuant to a Dispatch Notice.

  • Peak Hours or “Peak Period” means the period with the highest ridership during the entire transit service day as determined by the transit operator. Must include at least one hour during the morning commute hours and one during evening commute hours, Monday through Friday. Each Peak Period cannot be longer than three hours.

  • Usage Charges means the Charges for the Service or applicable part of the Service that are calculated by multiplying the volume of units that the Customer used or incurred in a period (e.g. number of users using the Service, or the number of minutes the Service was used for) with the relevant fee that is specified in the Online Order.

  • Local taxes means all taxes levied other than taxes levied for school operating purposes.

  • Reasonable and Customary Charges means the charges for services or supplies, which are the standard charges for the specific provider and consistent with the prevailing charges in the geographical area for identical or similar services, taking into account the nature of the illness / injury involved.

  • Ordinary Hours means 38 hours per week within the spread of hours which may be averaged over a 12 month period.

  • Off-Peak Hours means those hours which are not On-Peak Hours.

  • After Hours means any time that falls outside the Parties’ normal Business Hours;

  • Monthly Service Fees means the monthly (or 1/12 of the annual fee) subscription fees paid for the affected Cloud Service which did not meet the SA SLA.

  • Working Hours means 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the relevant location on a Business Day.

  • Hours means clock hours.