Chlorine definition
Examples of Chlorine in a sentence
Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) paper means paper in which the recycled content is processed unbleached or is bleached without the use of chlorine or chlorine derivatives AND any virgin material contained therein is totally chlorine free (TCF).
Total Residual Chlorine may be performed using any of the following methods provided the required minimum limit (ML) is met.• APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater , 21st Edition-Method 4500-CL E Low Level Amperometric Titration-Method 4500-CL G DPD Colorimetric Method• USEPA 1983.
Disinfect your boat, equipment and gear by either:4.1. Washing with ~212 F water (steam clean), or4.2. Drying thoroughly for five days after cleaning with soap and water and/or high pressure water, or4.3. Disinfecting with either 200 ppm (0.5 oz per gallon or 1 Tablespoon per gallon) Chlorine for10-minute contact time or 1:100 solution (38 grams per gallon) of Virkon Aquatic for 20- to 30-minute contact time.
The additional analysis that must be performed under this protocol is as specified and noted in the table below.Parameter Effluent ReceivingHardness1, 4xx0.5Total Residual Chlorine (TRC)2, 3, 4x 0.02Alkalinity4xx2.0pH4xx--Specific Conductance4 Total Solids 6WaterML (mg/l) Total Metals 5• APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater , 21st Edition-Method 2340B (hardness by calculation)-Method 2340C (titration)2.
Aggregates shall be tested for chloride content as per DIN 4226 Part 3 Clause 3.6.5 and for sulphate content as per DIN part 3 clause 3.6.4.The aggregates shall be 0.02% by weight water-soluble chloride (expressed as Chlorine), and maximum permissible sulphate content, expressed as sulfuric anhydrite (S03) being 1% by weight with respect to the aggregate dried at 105 0 C.