City Utilities definition

City Utilities means all City sewers, City waterlines, City drains, and any other City facilities.
City Utilities means public water, sewer, and storm drainage system improvements, including installation of improvements as required by the City and includes the following: (1) water system improvements including mains, valves, and fire hydrants; (2) sewer system improvements including mains; and;
City Utilities means the City of Carrolton Utilities, the City of Dallas Utilities, the City of Famers Branch Utilities and the City of Irving Reimbursable Utility Adjustments.

Examples of City Utilities in a sentence

  • City Utilities assumes no responsibility for any understanding or representation made by any person at any time, unless it is included in the Contract Documents, including addenda.

  • City Utilities reserves the right to limit negotiations to those proposals which received the highest rankings during the initial evaluation phase.

  • City Utilities will not be responsible for any explanation or interpretation of proposed documents other than by such an addendum.

  • City Utilities is not responsible for submittal failures of any kind- electronic or otherwise.

  • Interviews, discussions, negotiations and a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) may be held only with selected firms from those firms who meet City Utilities requirements and fall within the competitive range as determined by City Utilities.

More Definitions of City Utilities

City Utilities means City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri, and its successors. “County” shall mean Greene County, Missouri, and its successors.
City Utilities means the City of Dallas Utilities, the City of Garland Utilities and the City of Mesquite Utilities.
City Utilities means all public water, sewer and other utilities currently owned and operated by the City and associated appurtenances such as but not limited to: valves, fire hydrants, manholes, cleanouts, etc., on, under or about the Xxxxxx Road Maintenance Area.
City Utilities means City sewers, water mains and related utility works (but does not include roadway assets, streetscape, or other non-utility works). “Commission” means the process of achieving and verifying the functional and operational criteria of new City Infrastructure Work and/or Additional Infrastructure and of systematically bringing the Subway Program infrastructure, Interface Stations, Connections and new City Infrastructure Work and/or Additional Infrastructure, in accordance with the provisions of the Commissioning and Acceptance Protocol and TTC Process and Approval Protocol for Metrolinx Subway Program, into an operational mode as required to be fully operational, including safety certification and “Commissioning” has a corresponding meaning. “Commissioning and Acceptance Protocol” means the protocol to be developed and agreed to between the City and Metrolinx and adopted by the program committee in respect of the Commissioning and Acceptance of City Infrastructure Work, Connections, and other Program Assets as agreed to by the parties in writing. "Connection" or "Connections" means the point of connection and interface between any Program Asset and any system or utility infrastructure owned or to be owned by the City. “Cost of Additional Infrastructure” means the actual costs of Additional Infrastructure undertaken by the Province, through its agent Metrolinx, as part of a Project, at the request of the City and/or the TTC to be paid by the City and/or the TTC including but not limited to: construction costs, Metrolinx’s internal staffing costs, property costs (if any), costs relating to external professional services (including design), full-time inspections, non-recoverable HST, and flagging costs, for which the City is responsible, pursuant to the applicable municipal infrastructure agreement. For clarity, the Cost of Additional Infrastructure does not include any costs that are otherwise payable for the Subway Program had the Additional Infrastructure work not been undertaken. "Development Revenue” means all transit-oriented community (TOC), development (residential, commercial, institutional, etc.) property (land) related revenue sources (short and long-term/future), and commercial benefits, which consist of the following: full or partial dispositions (air rights; temporary and permanent), limiting distance agreements, infrastructure overbuilds and/or integrations entrance connections, and naming rights on the Projects. “Effective Date" means [date]...
City Utilities means City sewers, water mains and related utility works (but does not include roadway assets, streetscape, or other non-utility works).
City Utilities means the Board of Public Utilities of the City of Springfield, Missouri, which is a component unit of the City of Springfield, Missouri.