City Infrastructure definition

City Infrastructure means any City asset, whether located below, on, or above grade;
City Infrastructure. – means any physical or technology systems that support the operation of City programs and services, including but not limited to: City’s ferries and fleet vehicles, computer network, telecommunications and email system, wireless equipment, computer hardware, software and peripherals, internet and intranet. Excludes public right-of-way including sidewalks, roads, laneways and boulevards.
City Infrastructure. All City-owned facilities and appurtenances including, but not limited to, City streets (pavement sections, pavement markings, curbs, gutters and sidewalks), traffic control devices, storm drains, sanitary sewers, water lines, hydrants, street lighting systems, landscaping, irrigation systems, fiber optics, and other communication systems.

Examples of City Infrastructure in a sentence

  • A separate submission must be made to the Local Pedestrian, Cycling and Traffic Calming Committee via the City Infrastructure and Traffic Operations Unit seeking the City’s approval for any changes to kerb side parking arrangements.

  • The Consultant shall use the City Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual to establish design criteria and standards.

  • Project financing consists of mortgages, loans payable to the City, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and others and debentures.

  • City Infrastructure Long Beach was incorporated 125 years ago in 1888.

  • Use the City Infrastructure Design Criteria Manual to establish design criteria and standards.

More Definitions of City Infrastructure

City Infrastructure means the portions of SPU Facilities, SCL Facilities and City 6 Street Right-of -Way improvements constructed or modified as part of the PROJECT to 7 be owned, operated and maintained by the CITY. 8
City Infrastructure means facilities constructed by the State to be transferred to the City 20 as part of the Project, including, but not limited to, all the following: roadway structures, utility 21 facilities; transportation facilities, including pavement and landscaping as described in Exhibit K, 22 City Infrastructure, attached hereto, but excluding infrastructure serving WSDOT’s bridge 23 hydrant system, including three bridge fire hydrants, deluge valves and vaults, deluge controls, 24 wet and dry water pipes and water services as shown on Exhibit L, Bridge Hydrant System, 25 attached hereto. 26
City Infrastructure means CITY streets (including but not limited to curbs, gutters and sidewalks), traffic control devices, storm drains, sanitary sewers, water lines, hydrants, electroliers, landscaping, irrigation systems, and all other CITY-owned facilities and appurtenances.
City Infrastructure means the infrastructure that has or will be installed by the City pursuant to the Master Plan Documents.
City Infrastructure means all the number and type of Infrastructure, Goods, equipment, wiring, cabling, and devices contained within the City including traffic signals, streetlights, roadway poles, ITS, and their components, as may be revised from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, as substantially set out in Schedule A-4;
City Infrastructure means roads, sidewalks, boulevards, utilities and utility rights of way.
City Infrastructure means, collectively and individually, the 27th Avenue North Infrastructure, 30th-33rd Avenue North Infrastructure, Potable Water Infrastructure, Raw Water Infrastructure, Stormwater Infrastructure and Wastewater Infrastructure.