Class Participant definition
Examples of Class Participant in a sentence
You are automatically included as a Class Participant and will receive a settlement payment and do not have to take any further action to receive your settlement payment.
The Individual Settlement Amount for each Class Participant (a Class Member that does not opt-out of the Settlement) will be calculated as follows.
To support this, the Board of Directors has adopted a policy that provides a framework for Directors, employees, members, or contractors to bring to the attention of The Better Health Generation Board or Senior Management reports of improper conduct.
If required by IRS regulations, the Settlement Administrator shall issue to each Settlement Class Participant an IRS Form 1099.
To determine Total Group Class Participant Weekly Capacity, multiply the average number of Group Classes held in each Group Class room each week during the applicable Contract Year by the capacity of the applicable room in which the Group Classes are held, and total the amount for all Group Class rooms.
In 2011, Real Party in Interest Squaw Valley Real Estate, LLC (“Developer”) began the four-year process that culminated in the County approving its controversial Project.
The Settlement Administrator will make the final decision as to how many weeks are credited and report the outcome to the Class Participant.
If required by IRS regulations, the Settlement Administrator shall issue to each Class Participant who cashes a Settlement Check, and the Class Representative who cashes any Incentive Award, an IRS Form 1099.
For income tax purposes, the Parties agree that, if required by law, Settlement Class Participant settlement awards shall be allocated as non-wage income and shall not be subject to required withholdings and deductions.
No Class Participant shall be entitled to be heard at the Final Approval Hearing (whether individually or through counsel), unless written notice of the Class Participant’s intention to appear at the Final Approval Hearing has been filed with the Court and served upon Class Counsel and Defense Counsel on or before the Opt-Out Deadline.