Examples of Class Plaintiffs in a sentence
In their third amended complaint and later in their motion for class certification, the Class Plaintiffs asked the Court to certify the following class: All persons nationwide who (i) established and funded a prepaid account through GTL’s interactive-voice-response (“IVR”) system and (ii) had a positive account balance that was reduced to $0.00 due to account inactivity for 180 days or less.
Even if such possible differences exist, GTL and the Class Plaintiffs, on behalf of themselves and the Settlement Class Members, agree and acknowledge that this Settlement Agreement shall nevertheless remain fully binding and effective.
This Settlement Agreement is made for settlement purposes only, and neither the fact of, nor any specific provision contained in this Settlement Agreement nor any action taken hereunder shall constitute, or be construed as, any admission of the validity of any claim or any fact alleged by the Class Plaintiffs or by any other person included within the Settlement Class of any wrongdoing, fault, violation of law, or liability of any kind on the part of the Released Parties.
The “Net Settlement Consideration” means the amount available for distribution to Class Members, calculated as the Settlement Fund less amounts approved by the Court for Attorney’s Fees, Expenses, and Costs; the Case-Contribution Awards to the Class Plaintiffs; and the Notice and Administrative Costs, plus any interest earned by the Class Account.
If the Court grants Preliminary Approval of this Settlement Agreement, Class Plaintiffs, through Class Counsel, shall, in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Court’s Preliminary Approval Order, submit to the Court a separate motion for Final Approval of this Settlement Agreement.