COLA definition

COLA means a percentage-based general wage increase adjustment provided in accordance with this Memorandum of Agreement. COLA is an upward adjustment applied to and folded into all wage rates. The "annualized average of BC CPI over twelve months” (AABC CPI) means the Latest 12-month Average Index % Change reported by BC Stats in March for British Columbia for the twelve months starting at the beginning of March in the preceding year and concluding at the end of the following February. The “Latest 12-month Average Index”, as defined by BC Stats, is a 12-month moving average of the BC consumer price indexes of the most recent 12 months. This figure is calculated by averaging index levels over the applicable 12 months. The Latest 12-month Average Index % Change is reported publicly by BC Stats in the monthly BC Stats Consumer Price Index Highlights report. The BC Stats Consumer Price Index Highlights report released in mid-March will contain the applicable figure for the 12-months concluding at the end of February. The percentage change reported by BC Stats that will form the basis for determining any COLA increase is calculated to one decimal point. For reference purposes only, the annualized average of BC CPI over twelve months from March 1, 2021 to February 28, 2022 was 3.4%.
COLA means cost of living adjustment based in part upon the Consumer Price Index; the COLA applies to annual adjustments in the amounts of certain Pensions.

Examples of COLA in a sentence

  • Members of the bargaining group will also receive a one percent (1.0%) increase above COLA.

  • Members of the bargaining group will also receive a two and one tenth of a percent (2.1%) increase above COLA.

  • Vacation with pay will be the team member’s applicable base rate and COLA.

  • The compensation classification steps for employee classifications represented by the Union for the 2025/2026 fiscal year shall be adjusted based on the CPI (Los Angeles- Long Beach-Orange-Anaheim) for all urban consumers) reflecting the average of January, February, and March of calendar year 2025, rounding to the nearest 1/10 of a percentage point with a minimum guarantee of a 2.5% COLA and a maximum increase of 4% COLA, effective July 1, 2025.

  • Any team member called back to work after completion of their regular shift shall receive in such instances a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the applicable hourly rate + COLA + applicable shift premium.

More Definitions of COLA

COLA means the Cost of Living Allowance paid to employees serving abroad;
COLA means a Certificate of Label Approval or a Certificate of Exemption from Label Approval that results from an approved Application for and Certification/Exemption of Label/Bottle Approval, as required under US federal laws and regulations and issued by the US government that includes a set of all labels approved to be firmly affixed to a bottle of wine or a bottle of spirit drinks;
COLACost of Living Allowance paid to current employees on top of the base rate (currently $0.59).
COLA means the District’s Coordinated Optimization Logic and Accounting system, which includes the energy management system, river models, project and unit dispatch models and logic, spill and other operational logic, and accounting systems for operations associated with Output.
COLA means cash paid by Delphi for Cost of Living Allowance, as defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement, to hourly employees for the time period included in calculating the Labor Cost Amount. The definition of the Labor Cost Amount shall not include COLA after it ceases to be paid under the applicable collective bargaining agreement.
COLA means funded COLA.