Examples of Collection Request in a sentence
This Information Collection Request (ICR) was previously subject to public notice and comment prior to OMB approval, and given the technical nature of the table, EPA finds that further notice and comment to amend it is unnecessary.
The Information Collection Request (ICR) covering the SNUR activities was previously subject to public notice and comment prior to OMB approval, and given the technical nature of the table, EPA finds that further notice and comment to amend it is unnecessary.
The Information Collection Request (ICR) document that the EPA prepared has been assigned EPA ICR number 2599.02 and OMB Control No. 2070–0213.
A copy of the OMB approved Information Collection Request (ICR) may be obtained from Susan Auby, Collection Strategies Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 566–1672.Burden means the total time, effort, orfinancial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency.
In addition, respondents may designate the specific chemical identity of a substance as a trade secret pursuant to EPCRA section 322 42U.S.C. 11042: 40 CFR part 350.OMB has approved the reporting and recordkeeping requirements related to Forms A and R, supplier notification, and petitions under OMB Control number 2025–0009 (EPA Information Collection Request (ICR) No. 1363) and those related to trade secret designations under OMB Control 2050–0078 (EPA ICR No. 1428).
The relevant Office of Management and Budget Information Collection Request number is ICR No. 0574 (OMB Control Number 2070-0012).
A copy of the OMB approved Information Collection Request (ICR) may be obtained from Susan Auby, Collection Strategies Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460 or by calling (202) 566–1672.Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency.
The OMB control number for the currently approved Information Collection Request is 1615–0092.
An Information Collection Request (ICR) document prepared by EPA, an amendment to an existing ICR and referred to as the ICR Final Rule Addendum (EPA ICR No. 1715.10, OMBControl Number 2070–0155) has been placed in the public docket for this rule (Ref.
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