Company System Operator definition
Examples of Company System Operator in a sentence
Notification of changes in the status of the frequency response controls and, where applicable, mode of operation must be provided to the Company System Operator immediately through SCADA telemetry indication.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, if at any time Company reasonably determines that the Facility may endanger Company's personnel, and/or the continued operation of the Facility may endanger the integrity of the Company System or have an adverse effect on Company's other customers' electric service, Company shall have the right to disconnect the Facility from the Company System, as determined in the sole discretion of the Company System Operator.
Under no circumstances shall Seller, when separated from the Company System for any reason, including tripping during disturbances or due to equipment failure, reclose into the Company System without first obtaining specific approval to do so from the Company System Operator.
Following “system black” conditions, the Facility shall not attempt to automatically reconnect to the grid (unless directed by the Company System Operator) so as to not interfere with blackstart procedures.
Dispatch will either be by Seller's manual control under the direction of the Company System Operator or by remote computerized control by the EMS provided in Section 1(g) (Active Power Control Interface) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller), in each case at Company's reasonable discretion.
Seller shall automatically regulate voltage at a point, the point of regulation, between the Seller's generator terminal and the Point of Interconnection to be specified by Company, to within 0.5% of a voltage or power factor specified by the Company System Operator to the extent allowed by the Facility reactive power capabilities as defined in Section 3(b) (Reactive Power Characteristics) of this Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller).
Seller shall provide electrical models of all inverters and of the entire Facility to the Company System Operator and its designated contractors.
The Facility must be capable of automatically adjusting reactive control to maintain the bus voltage at the Point of Interconnection to meet the scheduled voltage set point target specified by the Company System Operator and be capable of supplying reactive power at the leading/lagging 0.95 power factor at all active power outputs down to zero active power.
Seller must separate from Company System whenever requested to do so by the Company System Operator pursuant to Article 8 (Company Dispatch) and Article 9 (Personnel and System Safety) of the Agreement.
Because the availability to the Company System Operator of reliable meteorological and production information in real time via SCADA is necessary in order for Company to effectively optimize the benefit of its right of Company Dispatch, Company shall have the right to direct Seller to shutdown the Facility due to the unavailability of such reliable real time meteorological and/or production data.