Conceptual stage definition

Conceptual stage means the initial phase of project evaluation when the public entity makes a determination whether the proposed project serves a public purpose, meets the criteria for a qualifying project, assesses the qualifications and experience of a private entity proposer, reviews the project for financial feasibility, and warrants further pursuit.
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of Project evaluation when APS makes a determination whether the Unsolicited PPEA Proposal serves a public purpose, meets the criteria for a Qualifying Project, assesses the qualifications and experience of a Proposing Private Entity, reviews the Project for financial feasibility, and determines whether or not the Unsolicited PPEA Proposal should be Accepted. The Conceptual Stage also is the stage at which Bids or Proposals in response to an Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposal are received, reviewed and evaluated.
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of project evaluation when the Public Entity makes a determination whether the proposed project serves a public purpose, meets the

Examples of Conceptual stage in a sentence

  • All members of the proposer’s team, including major subcontractors known to the proposer must be identified at the time a proposal is submitted for the Conceptual stage.

  • Conceptual stage Once clients decide to implement the project, professions in the construction industry, in this case architects and engineers would purify and concretize the initial concept of the client.

  • Tan, the chairperson of CFP replied that ACI does not intend to ask the Committee to endorse it, nor to translate it into J apanese.

  • Top soil (0.854 Million Tonnes till Conceptual stage) and interstitial clay (5.63 Million Tonnes till conceptual stage) shall be dumped at earmarked places within the ML and will be stabilized.

  • It is likely that the philosophical con­ sequences were even more important than the purely scientific value of the new model proposed for the solar system.

  • Land use pattern of mining lease area at various stages:- Sr. No. Particular Present Land Use (Ha) Use After Plan period year (Ha) Use by the end of Life of mine (Ha) Use at Conceptual stage 1.

  • Figure 24DBMSC Scheduling Module – Fast TrackDBMSC Scheduling Module showing a fast track schedule with the Substructure in design-development phase while the B Substructure is still in the Conceptual stage.

  • The agency shall prepare and distribute a brochure adequately de- scribing the relocation program, notifying relocatees of their right to appeal determinations made by the relocation assistance supervisor and indicating the procedures for such an appeal; and shall distrib- ute the same without cost to all public hearings and to all interested individuals and organizations.26.5(2) Conceptual stage survey.

  • For in-house projects, the type of estimate can vary over the life cycle of a project: • Conceptual stage: venture guidance or feasibility studies for the evaluation of future work.

  • The Company’s external auditors will also attend each meeting of the Committee, at the discretion of the Chair.

More Definitions of Conceptual stage

Conceptual stage means the initial phase of project evaluation when the public entity
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of qualifying project evaluation when the State makes a determination whether a qualifying project serves a public purpose and meets the criteria for a qualifying project, assesses the qualifications and experience of a private entity, and reviews whether the qualifying project is financially feasible and warrants further pursuit.
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of Qualifying Project evaluation when the City makes a determination whether a Qualifying Project serves a public purpose, meets the criteria for a Qualifying Project, assesses the qualifications and experience of a Private Entity, reviews the Qualifying Project for financial feasibility, and warrants further pursuit.
Conceptual stage. The stage of the Project that began on September17, 2001 and terminates at the end of the term of this Agreement.
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of project evaluation when the County makes a determination whether the proposed project serves a public purpose and meets the criteria for a qualifying project; assesses the qualifications
Conceptual stage means the initial phase of project evaluation where the public entity

Related to Conceptual stage

  • Construction Drawings means those drawings containing the technical details associated with the design, construction and installation of the Infrastructure;

  • Design-build team means an entity that consists of:

  • Phase 1 means the phase of the ATP comprised of: (1) improvements to the State Street Substation; (2) construction of the Proposed Line; (3) the rebuilding of NYSEG’s existing Lines 971 and 000 xxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx xx the NYSEG ROW to allow for construction of the Proposed Line as intended; (4) improvements to the Elbridge Substation to accept the Proposed Line; and (5) National Grid’s conveyance to NYSEG of the NYSEG Acquired ROW and such other land interests as contemplated by the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

  • Space Plan herein means, to the extent required by the nature of the Work, detailed plans (including any so-called “pricing plans”), including a fully dimensioned floor plan and drawn to scale, showing: (i) demising walls, interior walls and other partitions, including type of wall or partition and height, and any demolition or relocation of walls, and details of space occupancy and density, (ii) doors and other openings in such walls or partitions, including type of door and hardware, (iii) electrical and computer outlets, circuits and anticipated usage therefor, (iv) any special purpose rooms, any sinks or other plumbing facilities, heavy items, and any other special electrical, HVAC or other facilities or requirements, including all special loading and related calculations, (v) any space planning considerations to comply with fire or other codes or other governmental or legal requirements, (vi) finish selections, and (vii) any other details or features requested by Architect, Engineer or Landlord, or otherwise required, in order for the Space Plan to serve as a basis for Landlord to approve the Work, and for Tenant to contract and obtain permits for the Work, or for the Space Plan to serve as a basis for preparing Construction Drawings.

  • Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.

  • Digital audio-visual work means a series of related images which, when shown in succession, imparts an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds, if any.

  • Development Project means a project for the development of land within a project area.

  • Project Architect means the architect retained by Lessee to design and supervise construction of the Improvements.

  • Design-Build Firm means a partnership, corporation or other legal entity that:

  • Technical standard means a document that specifies design, predicted performance and operation and maintenance specifications for a material, device or method.

  • Project Improvements means site improvements and facilities that are:

  • Design engineer means a person professionally qualified and duly licensed in New Jersey to perform engineering services that may include, but not necessarily be limited to, development of project requirements, creation and development of project design and preparation of drawings and specifications.

  • Redevelopment project means any work or undertaking

  • Phase III means Phase I (or Phase I/II), Phase II (or Phase II/III) and Phase III clinical trials, respectively, in each case as prescribed by applicable FDA IND Regulations, or any corresponding foreign statutes, rules or regulations.

  • Development Application means the development application identified in Item 5 of Schedule 1 and includes all plans, reports models, photomontages, material boards (as amended supplemented) submitted to the consent authority before the determination of that Development Application.

  • As-built drawings, as used in this clause, means drawings submitted by the Contractor or subcontractor at any tier to show the construction of a particular structure or work as actually completed under the contract. “As-built drawings” shall be synonymous with “Record