Connected System definition

Connected System means a Connected Offtake System which is also a Connected Delivery Facility;
Connected System means an IT system which is connected to an e-CODEX access point for the purpose of exchanging data with other such IT systems;
Connected System means a transportation system and/or a RNG Delivery Facility physically connected to the Transportation System (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any transportation systems or facilities upstream or downstream of the Transportation System which may not have been constructed or be in operation at the coming into force of this Code) but excluding an Interconnected System;

Examples of Connected System in a sentence

  • Other Charges include administration charges at Connected System Exit Points, Shared Supply Meter Points and Interconnectors.

  • The standard LDZ system charges consist of capacity and commodity charges with separate functions for directly connected supply points and for Connected System Exit Points (CSEPs).

  • The standard LDZ system charges comprise capacity and commodity charges, with separate functions for directly connected supply points and for Connected System Exit Points (CSEPs).

  • A separate charging function for transportation to Connected System Exit Points (CSEPs) was introduced from 1 October 2000.

  • The Transporter may agree pursuant to a Network Entry Agreement or Network Exit Provisions (or other agreement with the relevant person) upon procedures or steps to be taken in a Gas Supply Emergency by the Transporter or another Transporter or a Delivery Facility Operator or Connected System Operator and may give effect to such procedures or steps in addition to or in lieu of any Emergency Steps pursuant to this Section Q.

More Definitions of Connected System

Connected System means an IT system which is connected to an e-CODEX access point for the purpose of communicating with other e-CODEX access points;
Connected System means any system other than the LTSO Transmission System or a LDSO Distribution System and which is connected to the LTSO Transmission System or a LDSO Distribution System.
Connected System means any system other than the LTSO Transmission
Connected System means a transportation system upstream of the Transportation System (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any transportation systems or facilities upstream of the Transportation System which may not have been constructed or be in operation at the coming into force of this Code);
Connected System means any gas network system that is connected to the transmission system but not part of the NGITS.
Connected System means each System (as defined below) within the United States which is connected to the CTS Network in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and for which CTS provides Service for such System.
Connected System. Any Natural Gas System or Natural Gas Distribution System connected to the NNGTS. LNG Vessel Connection: Earthing and connection of telecommunications, unloading arms and emergency signalling between an LNG vessel and the LNG Facility. Coefficient B: Charging coefficient for short-term use of the NNGS in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff Regulation. Transmission System or NNGTS: The National Natural Gas Transmission System, as per the provisions of Article 67 of the Law.