Examples of Controversial issues in a sentence
Controversial issues such as water allocation (Article 5) and flow maintenance (Article 6) were set aside by the LMRB countries during the negotiations of the 1995 Mekong Agreement through the adoption of an ‘interesting approach’ (McCaffrey, 2007).
Controversial issues may be presented in classes where such issues are an integral part of the District’s adopted curriculum provided they are presented in a manner as free from bias and prejudice as possible.
Controversial issues and NRA revision are considered by the NRA-WG2 with the final approval by the Coordination Council of FSC Russia.
Controversial issues may be presented provided that they are treated in depth and represent a variety of viewpoints.
Controversial issues are a part of the District’s instructional program when related to subject matter in a given grade level or specific curricular field.
Controversial issues are defined as contemporary problems, subjects, or questions of a political or social nature where there are entrenched differences of opinion and passions often run high.
Controversial issues should be a part of instructional programs when judgment of the professional staff deems the issues appropriate to the curriculum and to the maturity level of the student.
Controversial issues may provide stimulation to learning by stirring intellectual excitement and thus may be an integral part of normal classroom environment.
Administrative Procedure: Controversial issues shall be freely discussed in the classrooms of the District in accordance with the prudent judgment of teachers and in conformity with the provision of professional codes of ethics.
Controversial issues shall be presented in a fair and unbiased manner and teachers should consult with the Principal when planning to discuss controversial issues with students.