Criminal investigation records definition

Criminal investigation records means: (1) Every audio or video recording made and retained by law enforcement using a body camera or vehicle camera as defined by K.S.A. 2020 Supp. 45-254, and amendments thereto; and (2) records of an investigatory agency or criminal justice agency as defined by K.S.A. 22-4701, and amendments thereto, compiled in the process of preventing, detecting or investigating violations of criminal law, but does not include police blotter entries, court records, rosters of inmates of jails or other correctional or detention facilities or records pertaining to violations of any traffic law other than vehicular homicide as defined by K.S.A. 21- 3405, prior to its repeal, or K.S.A. 2020 Supp. 21-5406, and amendments thereto.
Criminal investigation records means records of an investigatory agency or criminal justice agency as defined by K.S.A. 22-4701, and amendments thereto, compiled in the process of preventing, detecting or investigating violations of criminal law, but does not include police blotter entries, court records, rosters of inmates of jails or other correctional or detention facilities or records pertaining to violations of any traffic law other than vehicular homicide as defined by K.S.A. 21-3405, prior to its repeal, or K.S.A. 2014 Supp. 21-5406, and amendments thereto.
Criminal investigation records means records of an investigatory agency or criminal justice agency as defined by

Examples of Criminal investigation records in a sentence

  • Criminal investigation records and Criminal History Record Information viewed by the Special Master is subject to the “Attorney Eyes Only” designation under the Protective Order.

  • Criminal investigation records and reports of conversations with confidential informants shall be excluded from the employment record but shall be made available to the employee or representative either voluntarily or through the discovery process if the Employer is relying on such records and statements to support the disciplinary action.

  • Criminal investigation records mean records of an investigatory agency or criminal justice agency as defined by K.S.A. 22-470, compiled in the process of preventing, detecting or investigating violations of criminal law.

  • Examples of such records excluded from public inspection are: Personnel records of LWIA III employees Medical recordsRecords protected by attorney-­‐client privilege Records closed by rules of evidenceNotes and preliminary drafts Criminal investigation records A complete list of exemptions from public viewing is contained in K.S.A. 45-­‐221.

  • Criminal investigation records and reports of conversations with confidential informants shall be excluded from the employment record, but shall be made available to the employee or representative either voluntarily or through the discovery process if the Employer is relying on such records and statements to support the disciplinary action.

Related to Criminal investigation records

  • Criminal justice information system means a system including the equipment, facilities, procedures,

  • Medical Records the Study Subjects’ primary medical records kept by the Institution on behalf of the Study Subjects, including, without limitation, treatment entries, x-rays, biopsy reports, ultrasound photographs and other diagnostic images. Zdravotní záznamy: primární zdravotní záznamy Subjektů studie vedené Zdravotnickým zařízením ve vztahu k Subjektu studie, zejména záznamy o poskytnuté péči, zázanym o RTG vyšetřeních, protokoly o provedených biopsiích, snímky z ultrazvukových vyšetření a další snímky diagnostické povahy. Study Data: all records and reports, other than Medical Records, collected or created pursuant to or prepared in connection with the Study including, without limitation, reports (e.g., CRFs, data summaries, interim reports and the final report) required to be delivered to Sponsor pursuant to the Protocol and all records regarding inventories and dispositions of all Investigational Product. Studijní data a údaje: veškeré záznamy, zprávy a protokoly, jež jsou odlišné od Zdravotních záznamů, a které jsou získány, shromážděny či vytvořeny v návaznosti na či připraveny v souvislosti se Studií, zejména zprávy, záznamy a protokoly (např., CRFs, datové přehledy, mezitímní zprávy a protokoly, a závěrečná zpráva), které jsou požadovány, aby byly poskytnuty Zadavateli v souladu s Protokolem a veškerými záznamy ohledně inventurní evidence a nakládání s veškerým množstvím Hodnoceného léčiva.

  • Criminal history record information means records and data collected by criminal justice agencies

  • Background investigation means the investigation conducted by a licensee or applicant to support the determination of trustworthiness and reliability.

  • Environmental Information Regulations means the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to such regulations.