Criteo Data definition
Examples of Criteo Data in a sentence
Criteo is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights in and to the Criteo Technology and Criteo Data.
Unless prohibited under UAE laws, the Client authorizes Criteo: (i) to collect, use, analyze and process the Client Data, to combine Client Data with Criteo Data and Criteo Sourced Data and to perform the Service for the Client; (ii) to improve Criteo Technology, Criteo Service and other Criteo products, programs and/or services, including, for example, Criteo’s email marketing service, with Aggregated Client Data; (iii) to disclose Client Data if required by law.
The Client authorizes Criteo: (i) to collect, use, analyze and process the Client Data, to combine the Client Data with Criteo Data and Criteo Sourced Data and to perform the Service for the Client; (ii) to improve Criteo Technology, Criteo Service and other Criteo products, programs and/or services, including, for example, Criteo’s email marketing service, with Aggregated Client Data; and (iii) to disclose Client Data if required by law.
Client authorizes Criteo: (i) to collect, use, analyze, and process the Client Data, to combine the Client Data with Criteo Data and Criteo Sourced Data, and to perform the Service for the Client; (ii) to use the Aggregated Client Data to improve Criteo Technology, Criteo Service, and other Criteo products, programs and/or services; and (iii) to disclose Client Data if required by law.
Custom audiences include visitor users that have previously visited Client properties and prospect users who have never purchased on Client properties according to Criteo Data and/or Client Data.
The Client authorizes Criteo: (i) to collect, use, analyze and process the Client Data, to combine the Client Data with Criteo Data and Criteo Sourced Data and to perform the Service for the Client; (ii) to improve Criteo Technology, Criteo Service and other Criteo products, programs and/or services with Aggregated Client Data; and (iii) to disclose Client Data if required by law.
Data means Client Data, Criteo Data, Criteo Sourced Data, and/or any other data that may be provided to Criteo through use of the Criteo Service.Рекламным заказом.
Интеллектуальная собственность: Каждая Сторона остается единственным владельцем прав интеллектуальной собственности, которыми она владела до Даты вступления в силу Условий, включая, но не ограничиваясь, любые патенты, патентные заявки, коммерческие тайны, товарные знаки, компьютерные объектные или исходные коды, исследования, изобретения, технические или нетехнические данные, формулы, алгоритмы, компиляции, программы, устройства, методы, техническиеTechnology and Criteo Data.
Publisher authorizes Criteo: (i) to collect, use, analyze and process the Publisher Data, to combine the Publisher Data with Criteo Data and Criteo-Sourced Data, and to perform the Criteo Service for Publisher; (ii) to improve the Criteo Technology, Criteo Service and other Criteo products, programs and/or services with Aggregated Publisher Data; and (iii) to disclose Publisher Data if required by law.
Ресурсы Клиента означает любое доменное имя, сайт, программное приложение или другую цифровую платформу, контролируемую Клиентом, в соответствии с Criteo Data means data related to the Criteo ad serving activity such as the number of ads displayed to users and Aggregated Client Data.