Current compensation amount definition

Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Board to the participant for the contract year, including his/her proper salary and all allowances in accordance with the agreement(s) in force. "Deferral Period" shall be the number of years not to exceed six (6) years for which compensation is deferred in accordance with Clause 3.1 , including the years referred to in Clauses 4.4 and 4.5, if applicable. To allow for the possible application of these clauses, the original deferral period should not exceed five (5) years. "Deferred compensation amount" means the portion of the current compensation amount which is retained by the Board for a participant in each year in accordance with Clause 3.1 and augmented from time to time by interest thereon calculated in accordance with Clause 3.3 but less all interest paid to the participant in accordance with Clause 3.4.
Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Board to the Participant for the school year, ( September 1 to June 30) including his/her proper grid salary and all allowances, per the current Collective Agreement in force between the Association and the Board.
Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Board to the participant for the contract year, including their proper salary and all allowances, less statutory deductions, in accordance with the agreement(s) in force.

Examples of Current compensation amount in a sentence

  • Until further notice as provided in clause 7.2, the Board shall pay the Current Compensation Amount to the Participant as if he/she were not participating in the Plan.

  • Notwithstanding the preceding, the maximum deferred in any one Taxation Year shall not exceed 33 1/3 percent of the portion of the Current Compensation Amount received by the Participant in that Taxation Year.

  • Notwithstanding the preceding, the maximum deferred in any one Taxation Year shall not exceed 33 1/3 per cent of the portion of the Current Compensation Amount received by the Participant in that Taxation Year.

  • The percentage of the Current Compensation Amount deferred by the Participant cannot exceed the percentage amount obtained when 100 percent is divided by the number of years the Participant states they will participate in the plan, including the Leave of Absence year.

  • During each school year prior to the leave of absence, the Participant, for a maximum of six school years will receive their Current Compensation Amount, less the percentage amount which the Participant has specified in the Memorandum of Agreement for the school year in question which is to be retained by the School Division.

More Definitions of Current compensation amount

Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Employer to the Participant for the school year, including their proper grid salary and all allowances, per the Collective Agreement. "Deferral Period" shall be the number of years for which compensation is deferred in accordance with clause 3.1, including the years referred to in clause 4.4 and 4.5, if applicable.
Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Federation to the Participant for the year, in accordance with the current collective agreement in force between the Federation and the union.
Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by UNBC to the employee for the contract year, including his/her proper salary and all allowances in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment.
Current compensation amount means the total compensa- tion payable by the employer to the participant for the year, in accordance with the current collective agreement in force be- tween the Employer and the Provincial Teachers’ Association.
Current compensation amount means base salary rate less the Deferred Amount. Deferred Amount is the portion of the Current Salary Amount retained by the City and invested with an Eligible Investor for the participant. Eligible Investor means a Canadian Chartered bank, Investment firm, Treasury Branch, or any Credit Union authorized to do business in the Province of Alberta as arranged by the participant.
Current compensation amount means the total compensation payable by the Province to the Participant for the year, in accordance with the current collective agreement in force between the Province and the Prince Edward Island Union of Public Sector employees.
Current compensation amount means the portion of the Current Compensation Amount which is retained by the Board for a Participant in each year in accordance with clause 3.1 but less all interest paid to the Participant in accordance with clause 3.4.