The Association and the. School Division may at any time by mutual agreement negotiate revisions to the local matters contained in this collective agreement. Any such revisions shall become effective from the date mutually agreed upon by the parties.
The Association and the. Charter School agree that any unit member who is a member of the Association at the time this Agreement becomes effective or who enrolls during the term of the Agreement shall maintain such membership for the duration of this Agreement. This provision shall not deprive any member of the right to terminate her or his membership within the 30-day period following expiration of the Agreement. If a member who is covered by the maintenance of membership requirement withdraws authorization for dues deduction and/or refuses to provide the Association with a lump sum cash payment of dues for the year, the Charter School shall deduct membership dues as provided in Education Code Section 45061 and in the same manner as set forth in Sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 above.
The Association and the. Local Bargaining Unit agree to indemnify and save the Board harmless against any claim or demand that may arise from the deduction of the OECTA fee and unit levy.
The Association and the. Employer may at any time by mutual agreement negotiate revisions to the local matters contained in this Collective Agreement. Any such revisions shall become effective from the date mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
The Association and the. School Division may at any time by mutual agreement negotiate revisions to the local matters contained in this collective agreement. Any such revisions shall become effective from the date mutually agreed upon by the parties.
2.8 Provision of Information (Effective until June 9, 2022)
2. 8. 1 As the Association is the bargaining agent for the teachers employed by the School Division. The School Division shall provide to the Association at least twice each year, no later than October 31 and March 31, a list of its employees who are members of the Association including the name, cerlificate number, home address, personal phone number, contract type, and the name of their school or other location where employed. Where reasonably possible, the School Division will identify teachers on leaves of absence greater than five 2020-2024 Collective Agreement 4