Delivery Mode definition
Examples of Delivery Mode in a sentence
The regional loading does not apply to Online Training and Assessment or to distance education, which is deemed have occurred if the Predominant Delivery Mode reported is ‘E’ (external delivery).
The regional loading does not apply to online training and assessment or to distance education, which is deemed have occurred if the Predominant Delivery Mode reported is ‘E’ (external delivery).
Applicable Delivery Mode: Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) of Incoterms 2011 8.
The Free TAFE Fee Waiver regional loading does not apply to online training and assessment or to distance education, which is deemed have occurred if the Predominant Delivery Mode reported is ‘E’ (external delivery).
Applicable Delivery Mode: Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) of Incoterms 2011 GCC 12.3—In case of Import or as required otherwise, upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser the full details of the shipment, including Contract number, description of Goods, quantity and usual transport document, if required by the purchaser.
Delivery Mode: Workshops and/or webinars.Frequency: Once per year.
The regional loading does not apply to online delivery or to distance education, which is deemed have occurred if the Predominant Delivery Mode Identifier reported is ‘E’ (external delivery).
RegistrarAnnexure – V TENDER FORMAT FOR PRICE BID Sl No.Name of EquipmentQuantity/ numberUnit PriceGSTTotal Price Delivery Mode: F.O.R. Patna.Total bid price should be inclusive of GST, F.O.R. NIT Patna for the above quoted items is ₹ …………….
Delivery will be deemed to have been delivered online or via distance education if: the postcode of the training delivery location identified in the NAT000120 file is “VIC” or "OSPC" or the Delivery Mode Identifier in the NAT00120 file in the Student Statistical Report is “20” (electronic based) or “40” (Other).
Name of Program: CIP Code: Proposed Implementation Date for Revised Program: Delivery Mode (check all that apply): 100% Traditional Hybrid Distance Education Approval Request: Change of 25% or more in a currently-approved program’s length(Complete Parts 1 & 3).