Design Review Panel definition
Examples of Design Review Panel in a sentence
The Design Review Panel provides expert impartial design advice following the 10 key principles of design review established by the Design Council/CABE.
The Owner further acknowledges and agrees that any subsequent proposed changes to the approved exterior elevations will be subject to review and approval by the City’s Urban Design Review Panel, with the final modified exterior elevation designs being subject to formal approval by the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development.
In this regard, the Owner shall submit any modified exterior building elevation plans that have been reviewed by the City’s Urban Design Review Panel to the General Manager, Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development for approval, and the Owner further acknowledges and agrees that such approved modified elevations will be included as part of this Agreement prior to issuance of any building permits for implementation of such modified exterior design plans.
Visited Southwark Council, Town Hall, Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UB to observe a Design Review Panel, and as thanks was presented with a book, value: £20.
The Design Commission for Wales Design Review Panel and staff welcome further consultation and will be happy to provide further feedback on this report and/or where appropriate, to receive further presentations.