Examples of Detailed budget in a sentence
If applicable, clearly describes the fiscal health of any other schools in the network and any fiscal issues the schools have faced (bankruptcy, fiscal probation, etc.).• Detailed budget narrative (Attachment P) that clearly explains reasonable, well-supported revenue and cost assumptions, including grant/fundraising assumptions, identification of the amounts and sources of all anticipated funds, property, or other resources (noting which are secured vs.
B) Detailed budget listing all deferred and current expenses necessary to produce the Short Film.
Provide the following information for each line item: Cost, position, or service; Detailed budget justification and cost basis (e.g., cost structure, unit cost, number of units); Total use of Alliance District funding for the particular cost; Total use of PSD funding for the particular cost; Total use of other district funding for the particular cost; and Indication as to whether the investment supports a new or expanded reform initiative.
Particularly important is Year 1 cash flow projections and contingency, as well as a 24-month cash-flow projection.• Individual and collective qualifications for implementing the financial plan successfully, including capacity in areas such as financial management, fundraising and development, and accounting.• Detailed budget is inclusive of both individual schools and network.▪ All cost revenues and all major expenditures are accounted for and are realistic.
Required Application Contents• Completed Application Form• Local government Council or Board resolution, Band Council resolution or Treaty First Nation resolution, indicating support for the current proposed activities and willingness to provide overall grant management.• Detailed budget for each component identified in the application.
Detailed budget and budget justification, explaining how the funds will be used (any format).
Detailed budget worksheets are incorporated within the PSGP IJ template.
Detailed budget notes and supporting justification of all proposed budget line items should be included.
Detailed budget allocations and relevant terms will be provided in the Mental Health Commission Service Agreement.
Detailed budget for each component identified in the application.