Domiciliary Hospitalisation definition

Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances:
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means Medical treatment for a period exceeding three days for such Illness/Disease/Injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital/nursing home but actually taken whilst confined at home in India under any of the following circumstances namely :
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances: i. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a hospital, or ii. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital. Emergency means a serious medical condition or symptom resulting from Injury or sickness which arises suddenly and unexpectedly, and requires immediate care and treatment by a Medical Practitioner, generally received within 24 hours of onset to avoid jeopardy to life or serious long term impairment of the Insured Person’s health, until stabilisation at which time this medical condition or symptom is not considered an emergency anymore.

Examples of Domiciliary Hospitalisation in a sentence

  • Upon the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim under this Policy notice with full particulars shall be sent to the TPA named in the schedule immediately and in case of emergency Hospitalisation within 24 hours from the time of Hospitalisation / Domiciliary Hospitalisation.

  • We will pay the Medical Expenses incurred on the Domiciliary Hospitalisation of an Insured Person during the Policy Year which would otherwise have been covered under Section II.

  • Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances :c.

  • No claim shall be admissible for Hospitalisation / Domiciliary Hospitalisation commencing beyond the Policy Period.

  • Treating Medical Practitioner shall have to certify the commencement date of Domiciliary Hospitalisation, and the necessity following the circumstances mentioned below (also mentioned in Definition 7.14).

More Definitions of Domiciliary Hospitalisation

Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for an Illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances:• the condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a hospital, or• the patient takes treatment at home on account of non availability of room in a hospital.
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment actually taken at home for a period exceeding 3 days, for an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital but is actually undertaken while confined at home under medical advice and under any of the following compelling circumstances:
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for a period exceeding three days for such an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances : a. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a hospital or b. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital. i) Expenses incurred for pre and post hospital treatment and ii)Expenses incurred for treatment for any of the following diseases:- a. Asthma b. Bronchitis c. Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome d. Diarrhoea and all type of Dysenteries including Gastroenteritis e. Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus f. Epilepsy g. Hypertension h. Influenza, Cough and Cold i. All Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorders j. Pyrexia of unknown Origin for less than 10 days k. Tonsilitis and Upper Respiratory Tract infection including Laryngitis and pharangitis l. Arthritis, Xxxx and Rheumatism
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for a period exceeding three days for disease / injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital / Nursing Home but is actually taken whilst confined at home in India under any of the following circumstances namely:
Domiciliary Hospitalisation. Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for an Illness/disease/Injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances:
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means medical treatment for a period exceeding three days for such an illness/disease/injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a hospital but is actually taken while confined at home under any of the following circumstances : a. The condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a hospital or b. The patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital. Subject however that domiciliary hospitalisation benefits shall not cover: Downloaded from i) Expenses incurred for pre and post hospital treatment and ii)Expenses incurred for treatment for any of the following diseases:- a. Asthma b. Bronchitis c. Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndrome d. Diarrhoea and all type of Dysenteries including Gastroenteritis e. Diabetes Mellitus and Insipidus
Domiciliary Hospitalisation means Medical treatment for a period exceeding three days for such Illness/Disease/Injury which in the normal course would require care and treatment at a Hospital/nursing home but actually taken whilst confined at home in India under any of the following circumstances namely : The condition of the patient is such that he/she cannot be removed to the Hospital/nursing Home or The patient cannot be removed to Hospital/nursing home for lack of accommodation therein subject however that domiciliary Hospitalisation benefits shall not cover:-o Expenses incurred for pre and post Domiciliary Hospitalisation treatment oro Expenses incurred for treatment for any of the following Diseaseso Asthmao Bronchitiso Chronic Nephritis and Nephritic Syndromeo Diarrhea and all type of Dysenteries including Gastro-enteritiso Diabetes Mellitus and Insipiduso Epilepsyo Hypertensiono Influenza, Cough and Coldo All Psychiatric or Psychosomatic Disorderso Pyrexia of unknown Origin for less than 10 dayso Tonsillitis and Upper Respiratory Tract Infection including Laryngitis and Pharingitiso Arthritis, Gout and Rheumatism