Examples of Donor Funds in a sentence
The municipality shall utilise any of the following sources to acquire and / or purchase assets: Grants, Subsidies and Public Contributions; Revenue Contributions; Capital Replacement Reserve; Cash Surplus; and / or External / Donor Funds.
Although it is known that cyclic straining enhances tissue formation, optimal loading protocols have not been defined yet.
SIGAR Audit 14-32-AR, Direct Assistance: USAID Has Taken Positive Action to Assess Afghan Ministries’ Ability to Manage Donor Funds, but Concerns Remain, January 30, 2014.
Meanwhile the IBRD's Multilateral Trusteeship and Innovative Financing Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships (CFP) Department manage the monetized liquid assets in line with their Investment Management of Donor Funds Guidelines.
With the written approval of the Finance Secretary, if an international agreement requires, a bank account may be opened to separately hold donor funds with any approved bank, within the meaning of the Public Finance (Management) Act 1995, to be named or entitled with the name stated in Point 1 of the attached Trust Account Schedule and the words — Donor Funds Account.
Assets that are contributed to the Fund by the Agency ("Agency Funds") shall be held and accounted for separate from assets that are contributed to the Fund by a third party donor ("Donor Funds").
However, there has been reduction in Other government transfers due to NUSAF II funds that the district is likely not to receive in FY 2013-2014.(iii) Donor FundingTotal amount of Donor Funds committed to District Budget support is Uganda Shillings 580,334,000 and all these funds are for supporting health care.
A special Donor Funds Management Unit (DFMU) within the CAD of the Treasury Department should be responsible for keeping track of all these agreements.
Donor Funds that complement the Bank‘s Grants and Technical Assistance 35Annex 3.
Any student who has been in ISS or suspended will not be exempt from semester test(s).