Drainage manual definition
Examples of Drainage manual in a sentence
According to the Ethiopian Drainage manual, Extreme value type 1 and Log Pearson type III are the suggested appropriate methods used in frequency analysis (ERA, 2013).
Drainage manual, appendix 9.C: sedimentation at culverts, Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, UT (https://www.udot.utah.gov/main/f?p=100:pg:0:::1:T,V:826)Xu, H.
Regular part-time employees shall progress to the next higher rate of wages in the same level following working 1820 hours in each level.
Guidance on accounting for tailwater impacts can be found in the FDOT Drainage manual.
For the methods in the Siskiyou County Drainage manual, flows were computed using graphs from the Zone 1B Hydrologic Region and Flows and a mean annual rainfall depth of 50 inches for the watershed (PRISM, 2007).Peak flows in Hotelling Gulch are presented in Table 2.