Driveway Culvert definition

Driveway Culvert means a culvert under a driveway within municipal right-of-way. “EPA” means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Driveway Culvert means the culvert used under a private driveway that crosses a swale. The bottom of the culvert is generally just below the bottom of the swale and the top of the culvert is generally above the bottom of the swale.4‌
Driveway Culvert means a culvert pipe within a portion of a street right of way intended for the purpose of providing passage of water along a drainage Ditch, under a driveway, from one side of the driveway to the other side of the driveway, and such culvert pipe is deemed to be part of the Stormwater System;

Examples of Driveway Culvert in a sentence

  • The excavation required for "Removal of Driveway Culvert Pipe " that is to be salvaged shall not be included in the removal bid item.

  • The Corporation will install the Driveway Culvert within five (5) Working Days of the Working Day upon which it received the notice.

  • Reconstruct Existing Driveway Culvert & Angle new 35ft 12" ADS Driveway Culvert from East of Sidewalk to West of Sidewalk.

  • Creeks, Streams Structures Ill Yard Inlet Box Replaced0 Brick Planter Removed ■■1 Already in DOT 111111 50' RuttingSite LocationStonecroft Subdivision - Driveway Culvert Replaced � Sewer Easement• Stone Piers Removed@) Mailbox Replaced= Cleon Out Pipe• Parcel Address� Natural Gos Easement l inch equals 280 feetATTACHMENT B INTENT TO PROPOSE IFB NO: 23-1030 This form should be e-mailed to to ensure you receive all addenda issued for this IFB.

  • Allow for replacement of damaged items..18 Existing Driveway Culvert Realignment:.1 Measurement for payment for this item shall be each and to include all excavation, fill, culvert, backfilling, compaction, saw-cutting where required, up to subgrade for asphalt paved driveway and up to grade for gravel driveway..19 Drainage Gravel:.1 This item will be measured and paid for by cubic meters in place.

  • The Corporation will supply and install the Driveway Culvert within five (5) Working Days of the Working Day upon which it received the notice, or within five (5) Working Days of the Working Day upon which it received the payment for the Culvert, if payment had not been made until after notice had been provided.

  • Using Florida DOT Design Manual criteria, and the recommended design storm event (10 year, 1 hour, 3.3 inches/hour) the following table can be generated: Pipe Size Maximum Distance Between Structures (Inches) (Feet) 15" 100'18" 300'24-36" 400'42" and > 500' Minimum Driveway Culvert Size - The generally accepted minimum size driveway culvert for many municipalities in the area is 12".

  • Timing for Installation In circumstances where the applicant supplies the Driveway Culvert, the applicant will notify the Corporation when the Driveway Culvert has been delivered to the site.

  • Where it is obvious that the Driveway Culvert was damaged due to willful activity or negligence, as opposed to natural deterioration over time, the Corporation may charge the property owner for the repair.

  • When the entrance shown on the application, or an alternative entrance determined by the Working Roads Foreman and agreed upon by the applicant, has been approved, the Working Roads Foreman will arrange to have the Driveway Culvert installed.A second entrance may be approved on a temporary basis if required.

More Definitions of Driveway Culvert

Driveway Culvert means a pipe or culvert structure along a public road which basically only serves for access to a discrete private property.
Driveway Culvert means a man-made conduit for water which is installed as part of the substructure of a Highway, which is installed parallel to the route of travel on the Highway to allow for vehicular access to and from adjacent property.
Driveway Culvert means a conduit placed under the driveway approach for the purpose of passing roadside drainage under the approach.
Driveway Culvert means a drainage pipe constructed within an existing drainage ditch to accommodate and maintain stormwater drainage underneath a driveway access.

Related to Driveway Culvert

  • Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;

  • Sidewalk means that portion of a street between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians.

  • Pedestrian means any person afoot.

  • Parking None unreserved vehicle parking spaces ("UNRESERVED PARKING SPACES"); and None reserved vehicle parking spaces ("RESERVED PARKING SPACES"). (Also see Paragraph 2.6.)

  • Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.

  • Adjacent means either immediately contiguous to or abutting a neighboring property, lot or walkway, and excludes property, lots, or walkways across the street from, or diagonally opposite across an intersection from the subject property, lot, or walkway.