Examples of Dynamic Schedule in a sentence
In the IFM, the multi-hour block constraints of a System Resource, other than a System Resource capable of submitting a Dynamic Schedule or a Resource-Specific System Resource, are honored in the optimization.
The value used must be equal to or less than the curtailed Dynamic Schedule tag.
For two-way Dynamic Schedules, the Metered Demand in kilowatts shall be the largest instantaneous value of the Dynamic Schedule during the hour.
However, changes, including Curtailments, in Dynamic Schedule and Pseudo-Tie tagged transactions do not change the Source and Sink Balancing Authorities’ ACE equations directly.
Such arrangements must include the Host Balancing Authority's ability to receive telemetry from the System Resource and to issue a Dynamic Schedule signal pertinent to that System Resource to the CAISO.
Approval will be based on the impact of the Dynamic Schedule on the ERCOT Control Area Authority’s ability to: • Determine and manage Congestion.• Monitor Generation Resource and Load behavior associated with the schedule.• Determine impact on system reliability.
The Purchasing-Selling Entity shall have evidence (such as dated and time-stamped electronic logs or other evidence) that a Request for Interchange was submitted for Dynamic Schedules and Pseudo-Ties as an on-time Arranged Interchange to the Sink Balancing Authority for the Dynamic Schedule or Pseudo-Tie.
Each Purchasing-Selling Entity that secures energy to serve Load via a Dynamic Schedule or Pseudo-Tie shall ensure that a Request for Interchange is submitted as an on-time1 Arranged Interchange to the Sink Balancing Authority for that Dynamic Schedule or Pseudo-Tie, unless the information about the Pseudo-Tie is included in congestion management procedure(s) via an alternate method.
A Dynamic Schedule is commonly used for “scheduling” jointly owned generation to or from another Control Area.
A Dynamic Schedule is a telemetered reading or value which is updated in Real-Time and which is used as a schedule in the CAISO Energy Management System calculation of Area Control Error and the integrated value of which is treated as a schedule for interchange accounting purposes.