Eastern Time Monday through Friday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Central Time means Central Time as adjusted for daylight savings time.
Eastern Prevailing Time means either Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Savings Time, as in effect from time to time.
Real-time means the actual time in which an event takes place, with the reporting on or the recording of the event simultaneous with its occurrence.
PM means particulate matter.
Scan time means the period of time between the beginning and end of x-ray transmission data accumulation for a single scan.
Central Clock Time or "CCT" means Central Daylight Time when Daylight Savings Time is in effect and Central Standard Time when Daylight Savings Time is not in effect.
Local Time means (a) with respect to a Loan or Borrowing denominated in Dollars, New York City time and (b) with respect to a Loan or Borrowing denominated in any Foreign Currency, London time.
Record Time shall have the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
New York City Banking Day means any day on which commercial banks are open for general business (including dealings in foreign exchange and foreign currency deposits) in New York City;
Up time means the time period when specified services with specified technical and service standards are available to user(s)
RFR Banking Day means any day specified as such in the Reference Rate Terms.
Real-time Energy Market means the purchase or sale of energy and payment of Transmission Congestion Charges for quantity deviations from the Day-ahead Energy Market in the Operating Day.
Near Real Time means that Qwest's OSS electronically receives a transaction from CLEC, automatically processes that transaction, returns the response to that transaction to CLEC in an automatic event driven manner (without manual intervention) via the interface for the OSS function in question. Except for the time it takes to send and receive the transaction between Qwest's and CLEC's OSS application, the processing time for Qwest's representatives should be the same as the processing time for CLEC's representatives. Current benchmarks using TCIF 98-006 averages between two (2) and four (4) seconds for the connection and an average transaction transmittal. The specific agreed metrics for Near Real Time transaction processing will be contained in the Performance Indicator Definitions (PIDs), where applicable. "Network Element" is a facility or equipment used in the provision of Telecommunications Service. It also includes features, functions, and capabilities that are provided by means of such facility or equipment, including subscriber numbers, databases, signaling systems, and information sufficient for Billing and collection or used in the transmission, routing, or other provision of a Telecommunications Service.
EST means Eastern Standard Time.
Down time means the time period when specified services with specified technical and service standards are not available to user(s).
Real-Time Market has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
MST means Mountain Standard Time.
Prime Time in the Emergency Department is defined as the months of June, July and August and December.
Delay time means the difference in time between the change of the component to be measured at the reference point and a system response of 10 per cent of the final reading (t10) with the sampling probe being defined as the reference point.
Real-time System Energy Price means the System Energy Price resulting from the Office of the Interconnection’s dispatch of the PJM Interchange Energy Market in the Operating Day.
Free Time means the period specified in the terminal schedule during which cargo may occupy space assigned to it on terminal property, including off-dock facilities, free of wharf demurrage or terminal storage charges immediately prior to the loading or subsequent to the discharge of such cargo on or off the vessel.
Merger Date means the closing date of a Merger Event or, where a closing date cannot be determined under the local law applicable to such Merger Event, such other date as determined by the Calculation Agent.
CST means Central Sales Tax
Voting Record Time means the time and date specified in the Scheme Document by reference to which entitlement to vote on the Scheme will be determined, expected to be 6.00 p.m. on the day which is two days before the date of the Court Meeting or, if the Court Meeting is adjourned, 6.00 p.m. on the day which is two days before the date of such adjourned Court Meeting; and
Minimum Run Time For all generating units that are not combined cycle units, “Minimum Run Time” shall mean the minimum number of hours a unit must run, in real-time operations, from the time after generator breaker closure, which is typically indicated by telemetered or aggregated State Estimator megawatts greater than zero, to the time of generator breaker opening, as measured by PJM's State Estimator. For combined cycle units, “Minimum Run Time” shall mean the time period after the first combustion turbine generator breaker closure, which is typically indicated by telemetered or aggregated State Estimator megawatts greater than zero, and the last generator breaker opening as measured by PJM’s State Estimator.