Effects definition
Examples of Effects in a sentence
BIO-1, BIO-3, BIO-4, BIO-15, BIO-16, BIO-18, AND HYD-1 Impact BIO-3: Effects On Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle.
If it is necessary to enter into in term negotiations during the term of this contract as provided Article XIV – Effects of the Agreement or in ORC 4117, the Superintendent for the Board or the President of BASE shall submit such request to the other.
Determine and Document the Area of Potential Effects A PQI will determine for each undertaking the Area of Potential Effects (APE), in consultation with the SHPO and any other consulting parties in accordance with 36 CFR 800.4. The PQI is responsible for conducting the consultation.
Domino Effects in the Process Industries: Modelling, Prevention and Managing.
BIO-1: Effects on special-status plants BIO-1a: Avoid or Minimize Impacts to Special-Status Plant Species: To the extent feasible, project-related activities shall avoid habitats with the potential to support special-status plants, including alkali flats, alkali scrub, alkali pools, and freshwater wetlands.